Example sentences of "[vb past] to be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Tory party was more loosely structured : there were tensions between the Highflyers and the more moderate wing that emerged under Anne , and which came to be led by Robert Harley , whilst even the High Church chieftains — the Earl of Rochester , the Earl of Nottingham , and Sir Edward Seymour — worked much less closely together than the Whig Junto .
2 ‘ Triumphant death ’ , as it came to be called by Evangelicals , was , first and foremost , a triumph with Christ over death ; in St Paul 's words , ‘ Death is swallowed up in victory . ’
3 Roy 's performances earned him a deserved reputation as a neat and clever footballer and he came to be regarded by press and public alike as one of Palace 's most consistent performers during the six years he was on our staff .
4 At the time half the city 's school boards were distracted by criminal investigations — into how a grand piano went home with a board member , how their election hand-outs came to be printed by school members on school presses , why others dealt drugs and what exactly was the price of a promotion ( $10,000 could get you a deputy principalship in the Bronx ) .
5 I in fact came to be confirmed by mistake !
6 In their wake , French economic life came to be characterized by market integration , specialization and commercialization in farming methods instead of subsistence polyculture , and intensified competition between the regions .
7 When comprehension came to be discussed by Convocation , the High Anglican clergy proved unwilling to make the sort of concessions needed to comprehend the more moderate Dissenters .
8 Reading Native Races and their Rulers , one becomes aware of the extent to which Indirect Rule , as it came to be practised by Temple and presumably his fellow Residents , implied a special and refined kind of experience of power .
9 Both kings came to be surrounded by uncles who sought to further war for their own ends .
10 The new financial institutions , established by the Whig Junto in William 's reign , came to be dominated by Whigs .
11 Dismissing her fears — her whole life seemed to be ruled by fears , both from within and without — she bent her head and kissed Patrick 's forehead briefly .
12 This circle seemed to be locked by definitions of ‘ disability ’ which site ‘ the problem ’ within the individual young disabled person , who is thus dependent on interventions by others to achieve independence in every aspect of his education and life .
13 There was an other-world stillness about the place , despite the previous night , and even the castle seemed to be touched by magic .
14 Mr Coleman said opponents of the scheme were ‘ disgusted ’ that their views seemed to be ignored by Middlesbrough Borough Council , which backs the scheme .
15 Her life seemed to be planned by Miss Havisham right down to the smallest detail .
16 In her dreaminess she seemed to be surrounded by love .
17 Looking about me , almost all the other tables seemed to be occupied by ladies of Habsburg vintage who sipped away at their camparis or white wine or , in two cases , glasses of beer .
18 A claim for group relief must give the following details : the identity of the claimant company ; the accounting period for which relief is claimed ; the identity of the surrendering company or companies ; the relevant accounting period(s) of each surrendering company ; amounts claimed in respect of each ; and the total amount of the claimant company 's profits claimed to be covered by group relief .
19 This balance , for which he had worked hard and long , he allowed to be destroyed by overreaction to the relatively minor financial crisis of August 1931 .
20 During the second half of the decade , however , this perception began to be challenged by commentary that pointed out controlled , intellectual qualities in her work and , thus , described it using terms traditionally applied to the art of men .
21 Hall also describes the conservatism of collectors in American ( for example , the enthusiasm for late Rembrandt before World War I ) which was catered to by the leading dealers , many of whom , including Colnaghi 's , began to lag behind the more advanced taste for the Baroque that began to be expressed by museum curators .
22 At that period policies of housing redevelopment began to be replaced by rehabilitation , in recognition of the fact that redevelopment often destroyed thriving communities and the people decanted into new housing estates commonly felt isolated and unable to develop a sense of community in their new neighbourhoods .
23 Kim 's ludicrous failure punctured his stature and he declined to be replaced by Rhee .
24 But serious or lighthearted Central News always brought you the offbeat , like the catfish who loved to be fed by hand .
25 Anna needed society and needed to be accepted by people .
26 Roads were built by law and roads ‘ opened up ’ jungles ; so a constant battle of education and persuasion needed to be waged by ACSS and other pressure groups on the government .
27 Sidgwick , for example , argued thus that the typical duties recognized by common sense could not be self evident and necessary since the clashes between them needed to be resolved by appeal to a more fundamental principle , that of the principle of utility , and that it was therefore this alone which possessed such a status .
28 Best practice is always a moving target , and in the six years since the directive was issued there have been a number of developments in domestic and international financial reporting that needed to be reflected by credit institutions .
29 The absence of neutrophilia suggests that this lesion is not a conventional inflammatory type proctitis , but rather one presumed to be induced by gluten antigen(s) present in the faecal stream — that is , a cell mediated form of response .
30 Mona , two years younger , was the more likely to clash with him , but this day she agreed to be ruled by Maggie 's acquiescence .
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