Example sentences of "[vb past] to [be] hold [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During his visit Kozyrev made a plea for the release of Russian prisoners of war ( POWs ) believed to be held by the mujaheddin .
2 In the next century it came to be held as a statute and was regarded as a locus classicus defining at least one boundary between clerical and lay jurisdictions .
3 After the downfall of the Black Douglases at Threave in 1455 , Bothwell reverted to the Crown and in time came to be held by the Red Douglases .
4 Bishop looked to be held on the line by two Trinity forwards but wriggled like an eel to get free and touch down .
5 Another ceasefire brokered by the European Communities ( EC ) appeared to be holding for a time , as the Hague peace conference continued its efforts to find long-term solutions to the conflict , but the truce collapsed in early October .
6 The ceasefire agreement nevertheless appeared to be holding in the corridors , at least up to the final week of February , and there had still been no reports of any serious breaches of the Rome agreement .
7 Food and medicine reached the eastern town of Zepa , but there was still no aid distribution in Sarajevo , despite a unilateral , nationwide cease-fire called by Bosnia 's Muslim president , Alija Izetbegovic , which appeared to be holding around the capital , although fighting was reported elsewhere in the country .
8 Party meetings continued to be held at the Carlton and it played a greater part in holding the party together when the Liberal Unionists joined .
9 Conciliation commission meetings between the two sides continued to be held on a regular basis in the Dnestr town of Bendery , but with little success as local ceasfires were repeatedly disregarded .
10 Court cases continued to be held in the town for the next 100 years , with the bowed front added in 1839 to provide living quarters for the gaoler .
11 In Waltham Forest Attachment Courts , attended by the verderers , foresters and woodwards , continued to be held until the middle of the nineteenth century .
12 Then again , the pen had to be held at an exact angle and Miss Smith had her own very efficient method of quickly teaching this .
13 In fact , the A11 stretch at Red Lodge , near Mildenhall , was so busy , the official opening had to be held on a temporarily-closed slip road .
14 In addition to stipulating that the office of Prime Minister had to be held by a Melanesian , the Constitution now also guaranteed 37 of the 70 seats in the House of Representatives ( the lower chamber of the bicameral legislature ) to the indigenous population , 27 seats to the Indian community , five seats for other races and one for the inhabitants of Rotuma island [ see p. 35252 for previous weighted basis ] .
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