Example sentences of "[vb past] in the same [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The Midland rose in the same way as it later fell — by acquisition .
2 This behaved in the same way as the first unit , so I took this one back and got a third …
3 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
4 ‘ I came in the same van as someone called Gleeson , ’ said Marcus .
5 His Test debut came in the same match as Gordon Greenidge against India in 1973–4 , Greenidge totalling 200 runs and Richards 7 ; in the next game he made 192 not out and was under way .
6 Then calculate the distance walked in the same way as above .
7 Just under half lived in the same household as the dementia sufferer ( 45 per cent ) ; most of the remainder lived within easy reach : 14 per cent in the same street or only a few minutes ' walk away , 20 per cent within two miles , ten per cent within five miles , and only 11 per cent further than five miles away ( although in Newham 36 per cent of the principal carers lived more than two miles away compared with only 12 per cent in Ipswich ) .
8 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
9 ‘ I lived in the same house as him once .
10 In this strange institution we did not even know all the people who worked in the same room as ourselves , as the action went on twenty-four hours a day , and we were on duty on varying shifts .
11 ‘ He was a very old man who worked in the same room as John Dyson and myself . ’
12 Jean worked in the same department as a Spotter and Darner since she joined the company in 1969 .
13 Andy and Peter are both happy to admit that TMAM started in the same way as most enthusiast-driven collections — with no collecting policy at all .
14 They all started in the same place as the Beatles … the Cavern Club in Liverpool .
15 It was not for that generation to complain if the inhabitants of India and of the dependent colonies took them at their word , albeit a mistaken word : the myth of an Empire exploited by the United Kingdom was a plant which grew in the same soil as the myth of an Empire that alone secured ‘ adequate prosperity ’ to the forty or fifty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom .
16 For Francois Hotman , the author of Francogallia , as well as for the ( still uncertain ) author of the Vindiciae contra Tyrannos ( 1579 ) , and for the Scottish writer George Buchanan , whose tract De Jure Regni apud Scotos appeared in the same year as the Vindiciae , it is for the people to decide when and if a ruler has become a tyrant .
17 The Theatre Royal , Leeds , 1923 : Doris Carter ( top row , second left ) appeared in the same line as her aunt , Gertie Whalley ( front row , left ) .
18 They won in the same time as that recorded by Oxford half an hour later despite being warned three times for their steering .
19 Moran gave them a pound , Rose took a red ten-shilling note from her handbag and they left in the same whirl as they had entered , dancing and singing all the way out to the lorry .
20 ‘ We must consciously set out to win new constituencies of support , ’ Mr Gould said in the same room where five hours earlier his opponent , Mr John Smith , mounted his own challenge .
21 Yeah because you slept in the same quilt as him , you
22 They slept in the same bedroom as me because we were er limited to bedroom space but we had girls because we were doing such a lot of entertaining , there was a lot of work .
23 They slept in the same room as he did .
24 Crilly wakes and tells me about when he was little and slept in the same room as his father , while his sisters slept with his mother .
25 One of them even slept in the same room as her , but heard nothing .
26 Paul Farrow slept in the same room when she fell , too drunk to notice .
27 It 's not yet old enough to have become corrupted in the same way as the nuclear industry , that Fifties wunderkind gone bad .
28 It said yesterday that Mr Major remained in the same predicament as his predecessor .
29 In the new 37-member Cabinet 15 ministries , including most of the key ones , remained in the same hands as before .
30 Still he kept up his speed , stayed in the same lane as the oncoming juggernaut .
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