Example sentences of "[vb past] in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Einstein has traced in his work the conservative influences of Ingegneri , a melodious master of Palestrinian polyphony , and Andrea Gabrieli , who excelled in the lighter types of madrigal and villanella , the Venetian gregesche and giustiniane .
2 Morley excelled in the lighter types of madrigal and kindred forms ; the supreme masters of the English school were Weelkes , who published his first book in 1597 , and John Wilbye ( 1574–1638 ) who began the following year .
3 Against the advice of their hosts , they ventured into regions of mountain and marsh that occasioned difficulties never encountered in the well-drained chalklands of the Pays de Caux , and returned with an altered view of the country in whose service they had placed themselves .
4 In the pre-First World War days of two divisions , the top limit of transfer fees rose in the eight years from 1905 to 1913 from £1,000 to £2,500 , an increase of 150 per cent ; in the first eight years of three divisions ( 1920–28 ) they went up from £3,300 to £10,890 , an increase of roughly 230 per cent .
5 She dabbled in the outer reaches of the publishing world from her position as a wife and mother : after the birth of Time Out she began to contribute to its nascent poetry section .
6 Someone , something , moved in the dark shadows by the empty fire-grate , filled in summer with a copper jug stuffed full of artificial flowers .
7 Her eyes , or something very like her eyes , moved in the thick depths of the glass .
8 Mr Enoch Powell asked himself only weeks before the riots erupted in the British cities in 1981 .
9 Luce surfaced in the early hours of the morning to find that she was still enfolded in Michele 's arms .
10 Rachel stopped in the hot shadows beneath the front door , looked up .
11 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled depths of the ocean .
12 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled shallows of the ocean .
13 What one found in the stricter forms of feudalism was an attempt to organize landed wealth more directly and coherently for the recruitment of knights .
14 Given the various elements present in Eliot 's mind , it is hardly surprising that he found in the thundering drums of Stravinsky 's ballet , Le Sacre du printemps , the equivalent of the myth he sought .
15 It was small , and aware of the virtues of remaining small , lurking ambiguously between hotel and pub , and retaining its hold on the local bar custom while it lured in the fanatical fishermen from half the county for weekend indulgences and occasional contests .
16 The most appropriate approach might comprise of a combination of the two used in the early stages of design , with an optimization option being employed when the design possibilities have been explored and the parameters , constraints and objectives are no longer likely to change .
17 * It is not clear why the effect of the retention interval should be especially marked when the pre-exposure flavour is different from that used in the subsequent phases of the study .
18 He later trained in the social sciences at Leipzig University , and in anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science , which he entered in 1910 .
19 The main ones were post-war reconstruction , a productivity gap between the USA and the rest which drew American dollars and know-how into Europe and Japan , a sharp upward shift in peacetime levels of public expenditure ( caused by defence needs and welfare transfer payments ) and the absence of general synchronisation in the downswings which occurred in the major economies from time to time .
20 One of the most important of these ‘ eruptions ’ occurred in the latter decades of the nineteenth and early decades of the present century when the fabulous wealth of plants in the Chinese hinterland was made known to the West by French missionaries and British and European hunters .
21 When this occurred in the first organisms on earth , evolution began , for such mistakes in copying are the source of variations from which natural selection can produce evolutionary change .
22 The most controversial attack in the air war occurred in the early hours of Feb. 13 when US aircraft destroyed an air raid shelter in the Amiriya district of western Baghdad .
23 A policewoman discovered the blaze which occurred in the early hours of yesterday .
24 Police said the assault , which occurred in the early hours of yesterday morning at Chesnut House in St James Drive , Bootle , had been brutal and apparently without motive .
25 Another form of deception which affected the consumer occurred in the early days of LPs .
26 The riots that occurred in the British cities in 1981 and in Brixton and Tottenham subsequently , were an expression of the double — class and racist — nature of ethnic disadvantage in Britain .
27 It was impossible to discuss the idea of Arab nationalism without mentioning Palestine , because the Arab political awakening occurred in the very years of Zionist settlement in Palestine in the first half of this century .
28 This probably also occurred in the drier types of forest and savanna .
29 Major reversals occurred in the relative trends of different regions in the past ; are they occurring now ?
30 The Captain was an egocentric man , one who believed in the great blueprints of life .
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