Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The company contributed a quarter of the working capital requirements of Model Marketing and is jointly responsible for all costs and management decisions of the business .
2 At this time Henry contributed a poem to the fund-raising campaign for the construction of Salisbury Cathedral , and also wrote for patrons in Cologne .
3 Conservator Nathan Stolow , who contributed a chapter to the National Gallery 's own guide to art transport , has called for public accounting of the way in which the paintings were prepared and restored for travel and attacked the National Gallery for creating an exhibition advisory committee composed of officials from the tour 's participating institutions .
4 It was good to see Terry Howse back in action for Post Office A and he contributed a win in the 6–4 victory over Windsor Hawks .
5 She contributed a paper to the first congress of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science in Birmingham ( 1857 ) .
6 Elected FRS on 19 November 1772 , Jackson contributed a paper to the Philosophical Transactions for 1773 , stressing that over forty tons of isinglass had been processed from fish in the Great Lakes resembling those imported expensively from Russia .
7 PARAGON 'S Sunday concert in Glasgow at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama provided a showcase for the Romanian composer Violeta Dinescu .
8 It facilitated Britain 's surprisingly rapid re-emergence as a major capital exporter , and it provided a framework for a major squeeze on the colonies .
9 A FLURRY of takeover rumours together with promise of a breakthrough in the GATT talks provided a kickstart to a dull market going nowhere fast .
10 Mr. Park , for the taxpayer , argued that there were two alternative approaches to the problem : ( 1 ) the taxpayer provided a service in an overseas territory , say Vancouver , by sub-licensing in Vancouver , or ( 2 ) the taxpayer exploited property assets by sub-licensing rights which were only capable of use in Vancouver .
11 The sample of 120 households was therefore divided into three matched lists of 40 addresses , A , B and C. Each provided a coverage of the major social and ethnic variations in residential pattern similar to that which could be found in the original list of 120 .
12 The victory was both immediate and absolute ; equally important , it provided a tonic for the Allied civilian population , who were becoming increasingly war-weary and despondent .
13 The committee consisted of : a senior teacher , then acting second deputy head , who chaired the meetings , represented a subject department and provided a link with the senior management team ;
14 Import substitution tended to close down markets in northern and western Europe , but for the first sixty years of the century southern Europe , especially Portugal , filled the gap and in itself provided a link between the old and new geographies of trade .
15 It provided a vocabulary for the mass marketing of hippies .
16 In Brazil , the Communist party was illegal from 1922 to 1945 , and the abortive Communist-led uprising in 1935 ( see page 41 ) provided a pretext for a comprehensive crackdown on the entire left .
17 Without doubt giving customers and crew that good feeling , it also provided a photo-opportunity at a recent visitor 's day .
18 This exercise provided a guide to the logical roles and activities of each group and the relationships between them , which , in conjunction with other background documents , was used as a basis for interviews with representative staff .
19 Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness .
20 Hennessy watched the Rover go , following it until it was lost behind a fold in the uneven green that provided a covering for the harsh crags underneath .
21 Between the wars it provided a market for the growing volume of Treasury bills issued by the government to meet its short-term financing needs .
22 However , the division of Germany , the decision to create a West German State , and the establishment of Nato provided a legitimation for the Soviet role in eastern Europe — and vice versa .
23 Its simplistic political viewpoint may have correctly reflected attitudes at the time it was set ; but it provided a target for the anti-war movement and provoked demonstrations in many cities world-wide when it was shown .
24 This revolutionised almost all aspects of the earth sciences , and provided a mechanism for the older concept of continental drift , which was , until the 1960s , an often-dismissed peripheral idea .
25 Sentence ( 10 ) tells us of a " weakness " of the " heart " , but not until ( 11 ) , where this matter is taken up again in the expression " the poor child was not robust " , do we learn that it provided a reason for the present interview : it was for this reason ( we surmise ) that the Moreens wished to engage a resident tutor .
26 It also provided a basis for the subsequent investigation , encouraging the analysts to approach the second phase in a structured and methodical manner .
27 Yet it also provided a basis for the dynamic interpretation of biological processes , leaving room for a high degree of psychosomatic interaction .
28 In turn , the way in which different product lines were structured within divisions provided a key to the complex origins of job losses .
29 The interest of the rest of the ‘ virtuosi ’ ( as they were known ) was a more general one in the ‘ new philosophy ’ and its aims ; for the fact is that the Royal Society provided a focus for a whole movement of thought .
30 This gave the project a visible identity within the school and provided a focus for the curricular aspirations of a number of key departmental representatives ( particularly the heads of history and IS ) .
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