Example sentences of "[vb past] it [adj] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I found it strange that those words had come from the Parliamentary Secretary because , when I read them , I thought that they had been written by the Labour candidate , John Metcalfe , because there was no other indication that that article had been written by a Minister of the Crown who is responsible for this country 's agriculture .
2 One disgruntled woman found it disgusting that 35 people could be expected to stand per 100 seated , with no guarantee of a seat .
3 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
4 Mr Reynolds believed it possible that inter-party talks on Northern Ireland could resume again , even before May 's local government elections .
5 I thought it possible that directional sightings could be made from the centre of the tower through the crenellations and was intrigued to find that one of them had disappeared since my previous visit .
6 One critic thought it ironic that this building ‘ of which the aim was so obviously beauty , should have achieved so startling an ugliness ’ , but after more than a century Swanage would hardly seem the same place without it .
7 They also thought it likely that two allies could bring that about — an outraged civilian persuading his powerful military friend .
8 Under the assembly 's system of apportioning positions on committees and on the 26 standing delegations to foreign parliaments , mathematical logic made it inevitable that far-right members would receive a few sensitive posts .
9 The timing made it inevitable that corporal punishment , nowhere mentioned in the Bill , should dominate the debates , and it did .
10 Betty 's classroom practice changed whilst she worked with the advisory teacher , but the lack of congruence between her beliefs about mathematics and about how children learn and those behind the innovation , made it unlikely that such changes would be sustained once he left .
11 In July Kaifu made it clear that Japanese aid to the Soviet Union would not be forthcoming while the dispute remained outstanding .
12 The judgment on the News International ban made it clear that political censorship , at least , could be fought effectively , and the basis for the defence against censorship was the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 .
13 Than Tun continued to call for a national government but made it clear that armed struggle was , for the present , not envisaged .
14 Israel made it clear that such development would be primarily in social and welfare spheres , and would not include any kind of economic development which ran contrary to its interests .
15 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
16 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that , although the definition of ‘ family proceedings ’ in section 8 of the Children Act 1989 did not specifically refer to the provisions in Part III of the Act , the section was to be read with section 92(2) of the Act which made it clear that all applications to the justices under the Act were family proceedings ; that , accordingly , the application to the justices for a secure accommodation order under section 25 in Part III of the Act were family proceedings ; and that , therefore , the statements of evidence and the psychiatrist 's report should have been admitted in evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Children ( Admissibility of Hearsay Evidence ) Order 1991 ( post , pp. 91E–G , H — 92A ) .
17 It will accelerate moves towards quality labelling and higher standards , and despite the sensationalising of what is in fact a minor problem , Watchdog emphasised the good points of fishkeeping , showed an attractive tank and made it clear that one family at least had not been put off fishkeeping by their mishap .
18 The Eleventh Plenum of the Comintern , early in 1931 , made it clear that social democracy was to be regarded as the main enemy .
19 His expression made it clear that any man or boy unlucky enough not to find another situation need not expect any sympathy : his place would have been filled .
20 He also made it clear that any thoughts of topping the 221 mark are being put firmly on the back burner , with the fastest 100 , set last year in mid-December , his next target .
21 Brezhnev himself , addressing the Polish party congress in November 1968 , made it clear that any threat to the socialist order in a given country would be considered ‘ not only a problem of the people of the country in question , but a general problem and concern of all the socialist countries ’ .
22 His tone made it clear that further interruptions would be neither welcome nor wise .
23 The only area health board which provided a written policy statement on health education in schools made it clear that direct pupil contact was not part of its role .
24 The Native people acknowledged the apology , but made it clear that cultural oppression still prevails in many parts of North America .
25 Regrettably , a House of Lords decision in the early years of this century made it clear that wrongful dismissal compensation will not cover either :
26 At the start of my current relationship , I made it clear that sexual exclusivity was important to me .
27 She also made it clear that Conductive Education is not the only method , and admitted that other methods are used with success .
28 We will be able shortly to debate those matters more fully in the House , but we have on many occasions made it clear that this Parliament will decide on the single currency issue at some date well into the future if and when it should arise .
29 Criticisms within and without Parliament made it clear that this audit model of control was beginning to falter in the post-war period .
30 There was some role dissonance in the expectations of each side in this marriage , which made it likely that some kind of counselling help would be required at intervals .
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