Example sentences of "[vb past] it [art] [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Most respondents found it a useful medium for aiding some cosmetic task or other .
2 Eventually , John summoned up courage to ask permission to use different music : Ravel 's two-handed piano concerto in G. Presumably he was happier working with that , but few people found it an apt choice for the subject of the ballet , about a witch who destroys her lover .
3 The Americans went nuts over it and awarded it the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film .
4 He called it a disgraceful situation for a man in a position of trust .
5 My enterprising publishers , the same Little , Brown , thought it a good idea for me to present copies to Roman Catholic opinion makers .
6 ‘ It 's lovely , ’ Carrie said , though she thought it a strange dress for someone to wear in the daytime .
7 The church historian Norman Sykes thought it a bad choice for the see , too party a man for a see which needed breadth of mind .
8 Looking back later , Helen recalled three things about this new life , so different from the unhappy days when she and Edward discovered that his passionate letters to her were being read by Mrs Andrews : ‘ The beauty of it delighted me , and I thought it the perfect setting for these people with their freedom of manner and thought … .
9 The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 made it a legal requirement for Police Authorities to maintain consultative arrangements on behalf of the local community .
10 There was also substantial cross-group agreement on the selection of this feature , with most groups arguing that the 'summarising " nature of this sentence made it a strong candidate for an opening to the story .
11 The fact that a scheme could be contrived that made it a working possibility for the majority of the disabled to acquire a motor car of their choice and to finance the purchase , including insurance and repair , from the allowance , was a staggering revelation to economists and particularly to the socialists of the time who regarded private enterprise as the kiss of death .
12 Celtic pressed forward — and Collins made it a memorable night for them when he shot the third goal eleven minutes from time .
13 Dave Wensley 's hat-trick in the opening 10 minutes of the final period gave Tigers a 6-5 lead and with 28 seconds left , Alan Gould 's goal made it a 7-5 win for Telford .
14 This made it a no-go area for the Hong Kong police and it developed into a warren of opium dens and criminal hideouts .
15 The section , introduced last July — less than two weeks before the accident — made it a specific offence for a driver to cause death by careless driving and while over the drink-drive limit .
16 That made it a perfect victim for the advance loans ' fraud .
17 The nationalization acts creating public corporations usually made it a statutory requirement for such machinery to be set up , although the form and details were left to the parties .
18 Sir Michael Angus made it a double whammy for Unilever as the outgoing plc chairman , soon to take up the cudgels on behalf of the CBI , entered the International Marketing Hall of Fame .
19 The win made it a double celebration for Betty and husband Arthur .
20 AND ALL THAT made it a busy year for Autocar & Motor .
21 But he added : ‘ It did n't require a great deal of insight in 1985 to appreciate that the business of Barlow Clowes was not at that time being run in a fashion which made it an obvious candidate for a licence . ’
22 The limited number of large power stations , a comparatively small work-force with little history of industrial action , and a strong , centralized organization made it an attractive proposition for governments wanting to maintain clear control over energy supply .
23 The post-war National Insurance arrangements made it an unattractive proposition for married women , typically low-waged , to opt for paying full National Insurance contributions when a much cheaper ‘ married woman 's option ’ was available .
24 This casement window was badly rotted , and its ground floor location and reasonable size made it an ideal subject for first attempt
25 Its proximity to another , larger , Binns store in Middlesbrough only made it the obvious candidate for the axe .
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