Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 No doubt the Substitute read the newspapers at the same breakneck speed as he did everything else .
2 The hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) , whom I am pleased to call my hon. and learned Friend , and I entered the House on the same day , and we have been friends ever since .
3 No one has ever done anything after he got it " , and he described the prize in the same terms to Geoffrey Faber .
4 The attacker committed the offence in the same area as ‘ one of the major hunting grounds for the notorious Fox ’ .
5 ( Haydn joined the Freemasons at the same time as Mozart though in a different lodge . )
6 George Pittendrigh and I joined the organisation at the same time in the grey austere years after the war .
7 Joy swiped the air in the same manner as Luney and Franky .
8 His comments followed the announcement on the same day by the leading US credit rating agency , Standard and Poor 's , that the country had been assigned a BBB investment grade rating , making it the first of Latin America 's problem debtors of the 1980s to meet international standards of credit-worthiness .
9 They both heard the planes at the same moment ; a distant low throbbing .
10 On the defendant 's subsequent appearance , the justices held they had no jurisdiction to hear the matter and released the defendant on the same bail conditions as before .
11 Bella married a butcher who displayed her photographs in his shop while she charmed the customers in the same way she had charmed the stars .
12 He won the World Welterweight Championship in Boston in August 1915 from Jack Britton and lost the title to the same man eight months later .
13 ‘ Gravity knew how much harder it had to pull on the keys — to make them hit the ground at the same time as the paper .
14 Incorporating features drawn from the Anglo-American adversarial system , the procedure entailed the abolition of the role of the giudice istruttore and placed the prosecution on the same footing as the defence .
15 Mr Walker , who had vowed he would have to be evicted with the family , said : ‘ We had hoped for a stay of execution to allow the family to depart with dignity , but the Scottish Office handled the request in the same way as they have handled the whole affair — with massive insensitivity .
16 ‘ Eight days ago , ’ repeated the Substitute in the same way as he had repeated ‘ On Monday ’ .
17 The presenter treated the election in the same detached and cynical way , assuming that the candidates were players in some electoral game .
18 He ended up by selling it for £500 to Mr Staples , from whom he originally bought the site for the same sum .
19 In homogenates from coeliac disease patients who had not been treated peptide concentrations of 10–25 µg/ml failed to increase adenylate cyclase activity consistently , whereas concentrations of 50–200 µg/ml all stimulated the enzyme to the same degree ( Figure ) .
20 In the same year Telesikrates of Cyrene in north Africa , another colonial Greek city , won the foot-race in the same stadium ( Σ Pindar Pyth. — vol. ii , p. 220 for the dates ) .
21 He fired the Lee Enfield again ; Rory was getting the hang of this now , and aimed the shotgun at the same place and fired it , almost before the noise of Fergus 's shot had stopped echoing .
22 They left the house by the same route by which they had entered , though had not gone far when her escort stopped to exchange a few words with an odd-job man who was undertaking a minor repair near some outbuildings .
23 Usually everyone left the house around the same time ; she liked to have the table cleared before she closed the door behind her , so the place looked respectable when they came in again in the evenings .
24 ‘ You have been at some personal pains , ’ said the king in the same quiet voice , ‘ to bring us an eye-witness ’ account , and for that we thank you .
25 He said the words in the same light tone of voice he had used when speaking of my boat , and somehow the discordant contrast between the tone and the message threw me .
26 Gulliver 's Travels went back to telling fantastic tales , but Swift wrote the book in the same realistic style as Defoe , and took it for granted that his readers would find it quite natural that at the ends of the earth men were just the same as in England — petty , trivial , grasping , and generally unpleasant .
27 Local politicians greeted the news with the same mixture of relief and delight for the local workforce and concern for those in Galway .
28 Th this is something that is developing members will be aware of the er proposals for er competition for white collar services and we sh we recharge these costs at the moment historic leases and the central departments are at the moment developing er trading accounts for all these and as we develop that work we we can correct our previous charges so there will be some sort of changes in the way we charge and as I say that 's coming through in these costs committees because it 's it 's shifting money around between different committees so we shifted the budget at the same time .
29 Sometimes they had the help of the same Major Pond who had visited Spurgeon 's Metropolitan Tabernacle .
30 I ca n't believe had the bell at the same one .
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