Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although the concessions met the demands made at the start of an unprecedented national protest campaign on June 10 , they now failed to satisfy the opposition , who responded by continuing to call for Ratsiraka 's resignation .
2 The 1893 Act allowed institutions a Parliamentary grant per pupil , but only if the institution/asylum met the standards set by the periodic visits of Her Majesty 's Inspector , so in order to meet these standards and obtain their grants , schools had to improve on the conditions in which the pupils were taught .
3 By the end of the emancipation process , the authorities lacked the wherewithal to pay for the transference of land .
4 It divided the forces arrayed against the Tsar .
5 As the months passed the hate grew between the societies and the café also became sectioned .
6 ‘ You passed the exam to get into the place , did n't you ?
7 He presumed the noise came from the same motorbike he had seen on his first day at school and he asked Mould about it .
8 The grandees never recovered the influence lost in the War of Succession , when they proved themselves politically unreliable , incompetent , and excessively tetchy .
9 I loved the programme and the people but I made the decision to leave at the right point , before I could grow bored . ’
10 We made the decision to go despite the lack of an organized UK presence — we are on-air with a new series running from January to March 1991 and we wanted to make contacts before then , rather than wait for MIP-TV to come around in April .
11 ‘ I made the decision to come into the business to please my father when he was dying .
12 But it was the 38 year old veteran , Jimmy Connors , who made the blood come to the boil .
13 Banks of guards , telephones TV monitors and electronic friskers kept out unwelcome visitors and made the grounds secure for the Shah , and his wife , their children , their dogs and their courtiers .
14 In his most persuasive ( but unrepeated ) experiment , he trained a group of pigeons in a loft into which he experimentally made the wind blowing from the south to smell of olive oil , and the wind from the north to smell of turpentine ( another group had the directions of the smells reversed ) .
15 It made the readers share in the horror it described and thereby so disgusted , shocked and outraged them that instead of tending to encourage anyone to homosexuality , drug-taking or brutal violence it would have precisely the reverse effect .
16 Anyway , one day the farmer who owned the street knocked on the door and told us that my pig father was due to be made into bacon .
17 The economy failed the March test under the IMF agreement by failing to reach the target for foreign reserves .
18 ‘ None of us expected the single to take off the way it did , ’ adds Dermot .
19 Until recently most pundits expected the market to improve in the spring of 1991 after stagnating next year .
20 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
21 She scraped her chair away from her desk and stared at it as if she expected the spider to jump through the lid .
22 Conversations with two black pupils further revealed the dissatisfaction felt about the school 's organization :
23 His blue eyes looked suddenly brighter , sharper , as he read the name printed on the front of one of the letters .
24 This is not at all the case and if Tam ( who is usually very accurate in his writing ) read the material coming from the European Parliament he would know that this is not the case .
25 Meredith Putt read the letter enclosed with the bill with increasing fury .
26 Sarah laid the blues dress on the bed , and began to take off her pinafore .
27 The issue of language symbolized and condensed the anxiety provoked by the black presence and became the preferred site for an educational response .
28 Corbett asked the others to stay at the great gate whilst he went across the open square .
29 She asked the court to refer to the European Court the question of whether Article 59 of the EC Treaty could be taken as meaning that a member state could bar the giving of information in its territory about services in another member state that were illegal in the first country .
30 Tammuz had dimmed the lights , put his feet up , and asked the computer to tune in the wall-screen .
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