Example sentences of "[vb past] always [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Hancock , the girl from the other side of the tracks , had always professed her love for the rough , tough ex-miner who made a fortune and espoused the most outlandish ideas .
2 Rabbi Moishe was the only one of the family who had always called his grandson by his Yiddish pet name .
3 ‘ Nandie ’ had always enjoyed his two-pennyworth of rum , having ‘ … always declared , and on several occasions proved , that if he venture three-pennyworth , intoxication resulted ’ .
4 Complicated and delicious meals had always found their way to the table , and she had enjoyed them without ever bothering to find out how they were concocted .
5 His mother had always flaunted her poverty as if it were a virtue , so there had been no reason to believe she owned an asset as substantial as a house .
6 I had always put my hand on that attenuated strip of iron to push the gate open .
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