Example sentences of "[vb past] never [verb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Although I did n't have any live playing experience — I 'd never done the youth club/dance band/pub/club thing — I still felt that I was technically quite good , having evolved my style from playing along to records .
2 But in a brand new fitted dress into which I 'd climbed only two hours earlier , and in which I 'd never attempted the sitting position let alone … well to cut a long and visually absurd story short , I was about as likely to have a pee in that dress as I was to share a bagel with Adnan Kashoggi .
3 I 'd never enjoyed the media interest and the goldfish-bowl aspect of driving , and while I was grateful to have fans their continual invasion of my privacy got me down .
4 She 'd never known the Lobster Pot to have so much atmosphere .
5 He paused in the doorway , because it was rare to see the High Queen without at least a dozen courtiers ; certainly he had never seen the Sun Chamber like this , bathed in the glow from the dying day , alive with the strong , pure magic of the Purple Hour , the huge crystal windows that looked out over all Ireland ablaze with light .
6 She had never seen the time machine looking so ordinary .
7 When questioned , Mr Bence said he had never seen the trophy cabinet in his life , and was at a loss to explain how it came to be in the director 's Portakabin .
8 Phyllis had never seen the check-out girl before .
9 Wilson had tried this first , with ‘ In Place of Strife ’ , but fortunately for Labour these proposals had never reached the statute book since union opposition was internalised within the party .
10 Scott would bet that he had never worn the snakeskin overcoat Annabel had given him the Christmas before .
11 When I say that Dolores had never heard the term gig before joining the band I am not taking the piss or ridiculing her .
12 ( Many Keynesians who had never accepted the Phillips curve regarded its ‘ breakdown ’ as the long overdue come uppance of an uninvited and unwelcome intruder . )
13 This was compounded by her belief that her normal examination ( aged 34 ) meant that neither she nor her children were at risk , and she had never discussed the family history with them .
14 Kragan did n't add that he had never trusted the newspaper proprietor who sat on the council .
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