Example sentences of "[vb past] work [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the churning mass swelled within him his resilient Goblin digestive system got to work on the over-abundance of raw material .
2 The congress also agreed to work towards the establishment of a free market economy , with guarantees protecting private property and foreign investments .
3 Once back in her office , she tried to work on the promotion of Hindley Foster 's book , but found she was unable to concentrate .
4 He began by doing seasonal work which involved working at the maltings during the winter and working in a brickyard during the summer .
5 Grandfather James Hauxwell met Grandmother Elizabeth , who was a Bayles , when he came to work on the building of the reservoir , just below Low Birk Hatt .
6 Therefore , the sort of person attracted to work in the bureaucracy on the implementation of such programmes was likely to be sympathetic to them and their commitment to the programmes was likely to grow rather than diminish with time .
7 Sandra , but she preferred Sandy , told us that she 'd worked at the Exhilarator for five months but was just biding her time before she could move away from her mother and get her own place in London .
8 But it would have been costly because he 'd worked at the paper for so long .
9 My father would explain how he dreamed about the ill and how , for instance , in the case of Bobby Bowen 's hand , paralysed after a pit accident , he 'd worked on the fingers for days without success until , in a dream , the answer had come .
10 He 'd worked in the building for five years , and knew the names of most of the occupants ' visitors .
11 From the early 1940s , the Irish government began to work towards the introduction of a comprehensive health service for mothers and children in line with other legislative developments in Western countries .
12 I began to work on the dog with all I had .
13 She cut out her morning bathe , cut down her luncheon to minutes , stuck to work till the end of the afternoon ( Concentrate , Do n't stop : if Michel can do his kind of reading in an open car in the street … ) .
14 Nigel Cornell , 27 , has returned to the North-East after several years spent working for the NHS in the Merseyside area .
15 But the H S E says the cluster of leukaemia cases is confined mainly to the nearby village of Seascale and to children whose fathers began working at the plant before nineteen sixty five .
16 Just then Michael 's wife and a teenage person stole quietly into the shop from the rear and began working on the lettering of a ‘ Fiddler of Dooney ’ carving .
17 These beliefs were reinforced when , as a practising hypnotherapist , I began working in the field of regression therapy in the early 1980s .
18 Chain began working in the summer of 1938 on penicillin and pyocyanase , though by January 1939 , when an application for funds was made to the Medical Research Council , penicillin and ‘ actinomycetin ’ , an antibiotic which Waksman was studying , were mentioned .
19 She gently rocked the chair to and fro as she started to work on the head of a unicorn in white embroidery cotton .
20 At an early stage the archbishop and ten of his suffragans had signed a declaration that they intended no prejudice to the king by their support for the reforms , and the Ordainers themselves swore to work for the benefit of church , king and people .
21 I decided to work on the problem at home .
22 Once I had set up my basic ingredients , I then started working with the group at the bottom of the picture .
23 He stumbled and droned and scribbled in his book like someone half asleep , but Miss Thorne knew that as soon as he had got rid of the book and started working on the character of Scrooge he would be very different .
24 One reason I chose to work in the USA for 1994 was to watch England win the WC ; - )
25 Last month , Iran 's new leader , President Hashemi Rafsanjani , offered to work for the release of the American hostages held by Islamic extremists in Lebanon along with 10 other foreigners .
26 Using the alias Frederique Bonlieu , Cabon wrote to Greenpeace claiming she shared their views , and when she arrived in Auckland on 3 April 1985 offered to work for the organisation without salary .
27 That 's another story , where they were , and if you 're interested , downstairs there 's a very good map that shows you superimposed on a modern map of Oxford where they were , but they very much affected citizens in the St Aldate 's , because every citizen , and every scholar who was still in the university , between the ages of 16 and 60 had to work on the fortifications at least one day a week , or pay a shilling fine .
28 The Land Commission had to work within the framework of the planning system .
29 Spontaneity was given organised form on 11 October when antislavery delegates from Bath , Bristol , Exeter , Gloucester , Taunton , Devizes and Westbury met at Bath and resolved to work for the end of apprenticeship by August 1838 .
30 During this time he continued to work on the design of docks and harbours in the Isle of Man , the river Mersey , and Cardiff , as well as many of the Trinity House lighthouses .
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