Example sentences of "[vb past] come [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They made a short visit , I suspect that they were going on to M.J. 's [ Margaret Jourdain 's ] brother and like Dulcia [ in A House and Its Head ] expected to come by a good deal of refreshment in the course of their peregrinations .
2 Their on-off relationship , which seemed to come to a sudden end two years ago , was re-kindled earlier this year with a romantic holiday to Mauritius .
3 I heard a voice which seemed to come from a long distance — ‘ Throw the bastard down .
4 The occasional remark passing seemed to come from an infinite distance , and be answered after a prolonged interval .
5 The only serious threat appeared to come from a small group of exiles in Paris , chief amongst whom was Henry Beaumont , who had gathered together exiles from Lancaster s movement and some of the nobles who had lost lands in Scotland .
6 A Hampshire hotel hit on a clever country house compromise with gentle piano recordings that appeared to come from a live performer in the next room — creating a delightful backdrop to afternoon tea .
7 This was a clear breach of the understanding on which he had come on a joint mission to the pope .
8 The parlour had come on a long way since I was a boy .
9 The policeman and the girl had come on an ordinary routine visit .
10 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
11 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
12 And what more could Miss Waters do but affirm that if one could not perform one 's Christian duty without being treated as a busybody then the parish had come to a sorry pass ?
13 The closest that the prewar colonel had come to a political affiliation had been with progressive , Christian anti-fascists .
14 On the ground , in accordance with the order , 5 Corps had already entered negotiations with the Soviet authorities to take them over , and had come to a final decision ( reported to Eighth Army ) on which groups were to go .
15 For a communist militant who had devoted his life to the struggle against fascist barbarism and oppression , the revelation that the Soviet communist state had come to a private agreement with Hitler 's Nazi Germany was a mortal body blow .
16 By 1982 ( the EC 's 25th birthday ) the momentum for a Single European Market had come to a virtual standstill .
17 I know this caused an immense amount of debate at Personnel sub-committee , and I thought that Personnel sub-committee had come to a reasonable solution .
18 The regime was n't defeated although it had come to a dead end and the liberation movement did not conquer the situation although they made government impossible .
19 When he 'd been banging on for several minutes about immigration , infiltration , dilution of the great Anglo-Saxon race and a lot more of the same , I seized the opportunity , rather neatly I thought , to observe that indeed things had come to a pretty pass when the name Patel was as common as Smith in England .
20 But in 1795 and 1796 , after seeking the answers to his problems from Godwin 's book and finding none , Wordsworth had come to a full stop : he had become ‘ Sick , wearied out with contrarieties ’ ( Prelude 1805 , x , 900–1 ) and finally ‘ yielded up moral questions in despair ’ .
21 ‘ The whole thing had come to a horrible head and a lot of hurt has been suffered by both of them throughout the summer .
22 I think I should add very shortly that having considered the many authorities cited , even if I had come to a different conclusion on the issue about consideration , I would have come to the same decision adverse to the owners on the question whether the payments were made voluntarily in the sense of being made to close the transaction .
23 She had come to an unhappy house , that was clear .
24 Fifteen yards down the street , the man had come to an uncertain halt , his eyes searching both sides of the street for a glimpse of his prey .
25 Her voice trailed away as she saw that Laura had come to an abrupt halt beside her .
26 And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop .
27 The Nigerian adventure had come to an abrupt end with the arrival of a new military government and a ban on all imports .
28 I had come across a small herd of Swayne 's hartebeeste near Awash Station , the only hartebeeste I saw during the journey .
29 The latter I had been intending to read for years and , by happenstance , had come across a cheap edition in a book sale just days before setting out .
30 But many Americans thought the time had come for a political change to the safer conservatism of the Republican Party .
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