Example sentences of "[vb past] its [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the Authority also maintained its faith in the existing gas-cooled design .
2 The company reckons that it maintained its position as the leading supplier of computers to UK education , and established itself as an important supplier to the home market , and made good progress in Australia and New Zealand through the subsidiaries there .
3 However , the PCI retained its position as the second-largest party .
4 It wove its way through the commercial dockside industry of the town which gave place , in time , to acres given over to the cultivation of the motor car in all its stages , new , second-hand and crushed to scrap .
5 And then , by gum , their debut ‘ House Of Love ’ single bounced its way into the Top Ten .
6 Junius ended this particular outburst with a threat , which drew its force from the common knowledge that the Hanoverian dynasty had usurped the Stuarts .
7 Pausing just long enough to sweep the old man 's triumphant face with an antagonistic look , Beth turned from them both and went , head high , out of the room and into the hallway , where the late March sunshine found its way through the tall arched windows , and where the air seemed relatively fresh compared to the musty damp smell of the old man 's den .
8 The latter case found its way on the front page of the Sunday People under the headline BEAUTY QUEEN 'S LIFE OF CRIME Terrorised wife 's story .
9 The essence of pristine Labour policy had of course , and largely through the influence of Tawney , found its way into the official Hadow Report of 1926 : ‘ Selection by differentiation takes the place of selection by elimination . ’
10 Everything needing a temporary home found its way into the stable and then became a permanency .
11 Reference to the production history of Falcon s/n 157 will confirm that the aircraft eventually found its way into the Canadian Armed Forces ( designated " CC117 " ) , where it was operated by the Airborne Sensing Unit ( ASU ) , from Uplands CFB , Ottawa , Ontario .
12 The first drug to be recognised for its antimalarial effects was quinine , which found its way into the British Pharmacopaea as early as 1677 .
13 The most famous tin-glazed pottery of Spain was lustre pottery ; it was also exported and found its way into the wealthy households of medieval Europe .
14 ‘ A lot of it found its way to the Irish Republic . ’
15 Group fixed ( above ) concentrated its search at the correct feeder location ( intersection of uninterrupted lines in the lower left region ) , while group varied searched randomly around the L+ landmark ( intersection of uninterrupted and dotted lines ) .
16 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
17 This Society , which later changed its name to the Ecclesiological Society , sought to make churches more worthy settings for worship and for the liturgy of the Church of England .
18 It was in September 1908 that the club moved to rented premises in Store Street and changed its name to the National Deaf Club and opened its membership to deaf people of whatever school , not just oralist .
19 In the same year the N A L R W U changed its name to the National Union of Agricultural Workers ( NUAW ) .
20 The group changed its name to The Beautiful Losers and won Melody Maker 's best newcomers of 1975 award ( but nobody noticed ) .
21 After the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948 , the Mapplewell and Staincross Hospital Committee changed its title to the present one and the sing continued , providing the help that is still so important .
22 This was reorganised and changed its title in the following year , and again in May 1918 : like its British counterparts it drew its manpower from a variety of sources — the universities , the army and the professions — as well as from diplomacy .
23 The bus ground its way through the heavy New York traffic toward the middle of the city .
24 The area was once covered by a glacier hundreds of feet deep , carving valleys out of rock as it slowly ground its way towards the distant Tasman Sea .
25 Within the small but industrially and intellectually significant British party dissatisfaction with the leadership had already been growing before the Soviet Union provided its response to the Hungarian events .
26 Thus the BDDA in the only resolution passed at its first Congress strongly affirmed its faith in the combined system as the best method of deaf education .
27 Large publicity campaigns began and the Irish Times also lent its weight to the pro-divorce argument , campaigning in its columns until the eve of the referendum in late June .
28 The launch of the DLP , which registered its inauguration with the Central Election Management Committee on Feb. 15 , took place earlier than expected .
29 In retaliation , Croatia reimposed its blockade on the Borongaj barracks in Zagreb .
30 The Court acknowledged that third parties could accept treaty obligations informally , but found that Germany had not ‘ unilaterally assumed the obligations of the Convention ; or … manifested its acceptance of the conventional regime or … recognised it as being generally applicable to the delimitation of continental shelf areas . ’
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