Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A bus drew up at the lights and the driver , an excitable Puerto Rican , climbed down from his cab to see what all the fuss was about .
2 A test was arranged involving a detachment of Guards who lined up along the WCs and flushed in unison .
3 I caught up with the others as they were entering the front door of the house .
4 Talking to members of the Education Area about their researches , I was struck by the constructive relationships that they built up with the schools and groups that they studied .
5 It was outside rather than inside the Cortes that a conservative opposition built up against the liberals and by 1811 the unity of patriotic reformism was broken .
6 The house is seized by the demolition contractors , its park invaded and churned up by the tractors and trailers of the timber merchant .
7 The keeper called , ‘ Sue , Sue — come here , ’ and a young leopard came up to the bars and rubbed herself against them while he stroked her back .
8 The garden was planned by professional designer Naila Green who came up with a snakes and ladders theme .
9 Erm , some specific points that came up in the comments that you made .
10 They walked towards the castle , and Jessamy gazed up at the towers and battlements , and the great walls that loomed above them .
11 When you accelerated towards the light coming from the front , you met up with the humps and dips faster-they appeared to be squashed up together .
12 Shafts of bright sunlight pierced the smoke as it welled up from the eaves and spread across the roof in a fine blue film. , Kāli came out into the doorway with a plate of puris and a small bowl of oil .
13 Once more an eerie glitter sprang up over the mountains and clouds of magical energies surged from the erupting peaks into the sky .
14 At its lowest level , the beakers could be seen merely as souvenirs bought at the markets , which sprang up round the arenas and race-tracks at festival times .
15 All I recollect is a grey , sombre sky and the dark Seine rushing under the bridges ; tall , sharp-gabled houses which sprang up from the cobbles and leaned crazily together , storey thrust out above storey ; the narrow , winding streets of the Latin Quarter ; the pell-mell of ascending gables and tinted roof tiles , the gables of their lower storeys sculpted into fantastic shapes of warriors or exotic animals .
16 He slipped quietly in and glanced up at the windows and walls until his attention was drawn to a mop of fair hair sticking out from behind one of the back pews .
17 The harvested apples piled up in the fields and were welcomed by numerous rabbits .
18 A seal 's head bobbed up from the waves and Angus was pulling on his oars , heaving the skiff back to the shore .
19 This is , of course , bound up with the personalities and attitudes of the persons concerned and the history of their relationships .
20 He pulled up at the pumps and the attendant , a young black wearing green coveralls and cap bearing the petrol company 's logo , approached and leaned down to the open window .
21 She went up on the hills or down to the beach .
22 We went up to the Downs and at least I stayed in the saddle , and felt indeed a new sense of being at home there , of being at ease .
23 The farmer did not reply for a moment , then he went up between the cows and gently rubbed Blossom 's forehead " Aye , this is the one , Jack . "
24 He stared up at the windows and then caught sight of the pulpit .
25 The sleeping-bag he rolled up in the blankets and tied with belts so that he could carry it on his back .
26 Subtract that figure from the score notched up by the weeds and we shall then be in a position to predict the number of traits that an average crop plant would have to acquire in order to become weedy .
27 Graham looked up at the skies and sighed .
28 The Doctor looked up from the screens that everyone in the chamber had been silently watching .
29 No , I 've been and spoken to them again this morning and yesterday , R S C left it there not O S D although it 's O S D's van , so they should 've come out to move it on Friday and the mechanics did n't turn up , then they lost the keys , cos yesterday myself and who was it , Lyn , waited up for the keys cos they were gon na move down put it into a safer spot .
30 Donna sent the Volvo crashing into the Audi again , then shifted up through the gears and drove off .
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