Example sentences of "[vb past] so [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Black and white cows grazed so picturesquely that one expected at any moment an eighteenth-century milkmaid to come prancing out from behind a white-blossomed bush with her three-legged wooden milking stool .
2 Granpa clapped so loud as I returned to my place that some of the mums looked round and smiled , which made the old fellow even more determined to see that I stayed on at school until I was fourteen .
3 The Collector 's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill .
4 Before it was halfway through its arc Hrun 's right hand moved so fast that it appeared to travel between two points in space without at any time occupying the intervening air .
5 Luke moved so fast that she had no time to back away as he turned her into his arms and held her to him , so close that she could feel the hard outline of his thighs through the damp towel , the heavy steady beat of his heart against her breast .
6 A word or phrase used so often that it becomes a slogan .
7 When he picked me up and put my head in his mouth , I shouted so loudly that he dropped me .
8 Sir Henry Bessemer suffered so badly that he designed an anti-seasick steamer whose saloon was supposed to stay on an even keel even if the ship rolled .
9 A woman laughed , a carefree tinkling laugh and Emily paused in wonder , it seemed so long since she had felt like laughing .
10 In spite of herself she stirred so sharply that he felt her astonishment recoil upon his own flesh and set him trembling .
11 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
12 Unfortunately , it all happened so fast that they cancelled the sold-out dates because they simply could n't get their work permits in time .
13 ‘ The abuse happened so often that I thought it was normal .
14 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
15 Wigan began so explosively that they had raced into a 34–0 lead within a mere 20 minutes as they ran in six memorable tries .
16 ‘ I love you , Fernando , ’ she breathed so softly that she wondered if he had heard .
17 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
18 I brought in from my car the gastric lavage outfit I loved so well and which has so sadly disappeared from my life .
19 He could never trust his legs , especially when his shoes pinched so badly that they made his feet tingle and twitch with pins and needles .
20 It was very quiet in the kitchen except for the clock in the corner that ticked so loudly that it sounded as if it would burst out of its case .
21 Now he has time on his hands to reflect on a career which started so promisingly when he made his Worcestershire debut while still at Malvern College in 1982 , but never lived up to those aforementioned expectations simply because of injury .
22 The TV afternoons and the hours went so slow until he came back and turned the lights on .
23 Standing up to straighten his back , he would take as many as half a dozen buds , popping them all into his mouth , then down he 'd go , snick , snick , bud in , and on to the next — he went so fast that it took two assistants following behind and tying in to keep up with him !
24 ‘ It is amazing when it works — in the Scottish Open in February against Eva Webster it went so well that I near enough knocked both of us out . ’
25 Our sense of adventure only went so far and we relied on them to make the decisions .
26 When the Rector gravely offered Alexandra his arm to take her in to dinner , Robert 's face fell so utterly that she took his arm as well , and moved lopsidedly from the room between her ill-assorted escorts to the unspeakable anguish of the baby .
27 He hit a huge drive which rolled so far that it ended in deep rough .
28 Steve laughed so unnaturally that it caused Ruth to widen her eyes at him with surprise .
29 Women who entered voluntary work during the inter-war years did so largely because it provided them with a diversion from household routine .
30 But there was a living to be made in comedy which he still did so well and he got on with it .
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