Example sentences of "[vb past] his [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was impressive in his Premier League debut against Nottingham Forest and retained his place for the 1–1 draw with Sheffield Wednesday .
2 There may also have been a second such experience immediately prior to the Battle of Milvian Bridge , at which Constantine defeated his rival for the imperial throne .
3 The MI5 man paused for a moment to stroke his beard again and a hint of emotion , of disgust , entered his voice for the first time .
4 When young Scott Booth underlined his claim for a first full international start against the Germans on Wednesday by continuing his scoring form with Aberdeen 's second goal six minutes into the second half , things looked bleak for the hosts .
5 Meanwhile , Mr Paul Tsongas , the former Massachusetts senator who suspended his campaign for the Democratic nomination a month ago , hinted yesterday that he might re-enter the race if Mr Clinton did poorly in New York .
6 In 1216 it was Eustace who commanded the fleet which ferried Philip 's son , Louis , across to England when the latter mounted his bid for the English throne .
7 DANISH international Bjorn Kristensen yesterday staked his claim for a First Division recall at Newcastle United .
8 His best season with the Palace was undoubtedly 1907–08 , during which he staked his claim for a full England cap and was England 's reserve against Scotland .
9 At a meeting with Aleksandur Lilov in Sofia on Jan. 10 Annabel Markov secured his support for an official investigation .
10 Even if he survived the present crisis with its unusually heavy demands on resources , there were still a few weeks to go before he received his allocation for the next year .
11 He again pledged his support for a one-off meeting of MPs .
12 He rose choreographically and refilled his cup for the third time .
13 But McAlpine reserved his fire for the young team .
14 On May 25 , during a visit to Moscow by President Mitterrand of France , President Gorbachev declared his preference for a unified German membership of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact .
15 Unhappily , Daz Sumner showed his dislike for the big , unwelcoming track with his poorest return of the season , while Mark Lemon 's lack of form continued .
16 Gorbachev himself , visiting France on Oct. 28-29 [ see also p. 37789 ] , renewed his appeal for an inter-Arab conference , although in Egypt President Mubarak made clear the view that there was currently no basis for such a meeting .
17 MacArthur stated his affection for the British people , recalling that his grandfather had come from Scotland .
18 In 1917 he could refer Garvin to a speech made in 1905 where he stated his ideal for the British Empire : ‘ we think of a group of states , all independent in their own local concerns , but all united for the defence of their common interests and the defence of a common civilisation , united not in an alliance — for alliances can be made and unmade — but in a permanent organic union' .
19 It was his next appointment in March 1904 , to the embassy in Constantinople , which fired his enthusiasm for the Middle East and settled the subsequent course of his brief but eventful life .
20 He reaffirmed his support for a Palestinian state and called on the Israeli government to enter into direct negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , but also denounced the Arab economic boycott of Israel and said that he would press the European Communities ( EC ) to pass measures opposing it .
21 Designer Daniel Andrieu was present as the concealing-sheet was whipped away amid a swirling cloud of smoke which hid his creation for a few choking seconds before we could see what had been achieved .
22 ALAN DAVIES was being sincere when he expressed his sympathy for an Irish team exposed in this record home crushing as second rate .
23 Two centuries after Hale 's pronouncement , Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms .
24 He expressed his admiration for the educational efficiency of the Jesuits and politely renounced his allegiance to their church .
25 In his inaugural address on taking office in January 1991 President Serrano credited the previous President , Vincio Cerezo Arévalo , with promoting national peace talks to end 30 years of civil war [ see pp. 37372 ; 37527 ; 37707 ] but also blamed his administration for the current economic crisis and social unrest and for the country 's lack of international credibility due to widespread corruption and human rights violations .
26 True , the new Secretary of State for the Environment laid stress , from the outset , on the need for economic regeneration , and indicated his sympathy for the voluntary sector in the tackling of urban problems .
27 At the time of his father 's death in April 1788 Sutton and his brothers were still ‘ very eminent in the practice ’ and in 1796 he published The Inoculator , in which he explained his method and displayed his contempt for the medical establishment .
28 Waqar reloaded his gun for an after-tea burst of swinging yorkers , his renowned speciality , which spelt doom for Botham , Lewis and Lamb in successive overs , and added DeFreitas , caught at slip , to seal a spell of 4 for 17 in 40 balls .
29 Sitting back and taking it all in is another former hip hop dancer , Moet Lo , who lost his Wall Street messenger job when his firm discovered his penchant for the five-finger discount at Polo stores .
30 At the end of my reading , the lecturer asked the newcomer his name , and I heard his voice for the first time — a soft , warm American accent , with the rich , furry tone the English find so attractive .
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