Example sentences of "[vb past] not [vb infin] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
2 He did not mean as mistress to servant or patroness to protege .
3 He did not stand for re-election to the Parliament of 1780 ; but he was elected for Ripon in 1787 , and became a commissioner of the Board of Trade in 1788 .
4 Fair did not seem to Martha to be a colour at all , merely an excuse for a hard old woman to persecute a child .
5 Those who said they never revealed that they have cystic fibrosis were more likely to be employed ( 64% ( 110/172 ) v 53% ( 311/585 ) , difference 2.5% to 19% ) , than those who revealed their cystic fibrosis at job interviews , but the questionnaire did not ask about responses to confidential medical questionnaires .
6 The two patient groups did not differ with respect to age and gender , but there were significant differences as to mean Hb A 1 C levels , in duration of diabetes and the presence of retinopathy ( Table I ) .
7 Charles and his contemporaries did not appeal for authority to individual judgement or experience : instead they invoked shared role-models and peer-group pressure .
8 As John Biffen remarked on weekend television following the débâcle , ‘ I did not come into politics to be a kamikaze pilot . ’
9 When you did not phone in answer to my letter , I told him that you were overseas .
10 A list of 1797 provides the information that the 25 per cent of London 's banks who did not act as agent to even one country bank included most of those in the West End but only a few of the older of the Lombard Street group .
11 ‘ I did n't go on tour to Norway — I could n't move .
12 I did n't listen in detail to it all , but it revolved round Pierre and Donna , and Raoul the racehorse trainer who wanted to marry her money .
13 I did n't get into music to be a travel agent , have people 's gardens done , or to arrange their mortgages .
14 As expected ( UX No 433 ) , Microsoft Corp did n't wait for SunSelect to actually announce its Windows-on-Unix WABI system before taking retaliatory action — see front page .
15 ROS : That did n't look like love to me .
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