Example sentences of "[vb past] not [be] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 This was an idea that appealed strongly to me , though Unamuno had not been thinking of some of the ‘ brothers in solitude ’ — the outcasts from social and sexual ‘ normality ’ — who were the brothers that first sprang to my mind on reading that sentence in Corsham .
2 When it attempted to go-ahead with the purchase , Friends of the Earth launched a legal challenge , claiming that due notice had not been served on some of the owners .
3 However , the " sombre professionalism " or intellectual self-sufficiency of inter-war English studies had not been achieved without some breakdown of mutual comprehension within the discipline itself .
4 And he had not been seen for some days .
5 It was owned by the Baron de Rochefort and his family , and visitors had not been encouraged for some time , as the Baron did not enjoy the best of health .
6 Although fitted with an alarm courtesy of the Venice in Peril Fund , this had not been working for some time .
7 After a while the station returned to normal , Charlotte had n't been seen for some time , and Albert had been killed in World War I so all three participants in the awful tragedy had gone for ever , or had they ?
8 There had n't been a Friday or Saturday in the last year which had n't been occupied by some social gathering , where he 'd mingled with Vanessa 's friends .
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