Example sentences of "[vb past] not [adv] [verb] up to " in BNC.

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1 But all this did not yet add up to a widespread expectation in London that Anglo-American relations would or should retain their wartime intimacy .
2 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
3 He did n't really live up to expectations , he was n't he did n't work hard enough I feel , he was lazy and he was too used to teaching abroad
4 It did n't quite reach up to Carfax , and it had another great landmark , as well as the big , rich college of Christchurch , and that was the Guildhall , built at the centre of the civic power , which was more or less , well , just where the Town Hall is now .
5 The proof of the pudding is in the eating and while I found that McAfee VirusScan did n't quite live up to the advertisers ‘ claims , it was able to spot over 84 per cent of the infected files in my library .
6 Or : ‘ The swift blinking of his eyes and the trembling of his sensitive hands … aroused feelings in him that he had not ever owned up to even to himself ’ ?
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