Example sentences of "[vb past] not [verb] i [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He has been to my constituency recently , although he did not inform me of the fact .
2 But she did not tell me about the food , or the cold , or the unkind teachers .
3 This , of course , did not affect me at the time !
4 The risk of liver cancer associated with this did not bother me in the slightest ;
5 He did not see me behind the curtain .
6 You did n't remind me about the steamer with the puddings did you ?
7 ‘ He did n't hurt me in the least .
8 No — he did n't strike me as the protective sort . ’
9 ‘ You did n't strike me as the kind of man who would put much stock in stereotypes . ’
10 He did n't tell me about the death-threat .
11 ‘ You did n't tell me about the music festival starting next week in Pollensa — every Sunday for a month in the cloisters of Santo Domingo . ’
12 ‘ It did n't affect me in the slightest at first .
13 Fortunately they did n't knock me on the head or anything which they could have done , could n't they ?
14 That evening Leon did n't follow me into the morning room to sit in the armchair opposite mine , slipped deep into it , his elbows on the arms , fingers linked in front of his face .
15 You did n't ask me to the wedding . ’
16 I do n't want him to say well she did n't come round , she did n't ask me for the money , I mean I have n't ask him for the money and , he 'd like to on a Friday , when one come up , when the next one comes you can you ?
17 You did n't recognise me without the leotard .
18 With one sergeant I had then , I used to make up stories about keeping an eye on thieves if he did n't find me at the points .
19 I wondered how much he would fret if he did n't see me among the passengers , and I hoped not much .
20 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
21 I knew when people were married and slept together a baby usually followed , but this did n't enlighten me about the facts of life .
22 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
23 I 'd been hurt — the man I thought loved me had not only jilted me and stolen my money , but admitted that he had n't wanted me in the first place .
24 I demure about continuing and if our support had n't forced me towards the river then the watching crowd would have done so .
25 There were a few nasty expletives in the air and the thought that , if they had n't told me about the dyke , what might I encounter later on ?
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