Example sentences of "[vb past] they [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The prevention of purprestures was his responsibility : he threw down houses , sheepfolds and other buildings and enclosures erected without licence in his bailiwick , and attached those who made them to appear at the next Forest Eyre .
2 And erm it was ex ex it was great having Chris along because erm he went out and grabbed everybody in the street , pulled them in onto the stall and er and got them got them to sign on the dotted line so to speak .
3 To back-benchers who expressed alarm at VAT on domestic fuel , Mr Lamont and Mr Major simply invited them to step into the real world .
4 If we told them to point to the empty box they would do so ; but would revert to pointing to the baited box again on the next trial .
5 Episcopal persecution , however , drove them to flee to the relative anonymity of London at the end of the 1620s .
6 This allowed them to distinguish between the two separate processes of adsorption of viruses onto cells , and actual entry into the cells .
7 In the period broadly spanning the years 1948 to 1975 , central governments of both parties gradually extended local authorities ' social service powers , or encouraged them to use to the full powers they had already been given — achieving secondary education for all , creating a national pattern of further education , developing services for the elderly , sustaining a substantial housing programme .
8 The holistic approach of phrenology taught them to look at the body-mind dichotomy and to think in terms of prevention rather than quick cures that were often spurious .
9 So it still was n't gon na meet the actual need that prompted them to occur in the first place .
10 They were to suffer still further as their captors immediately stripped them of everything , even their boots , and forced them to march to the Turkish camp .
11 In many cases , the parents of the brighter children wished them to go to the secondary school in Jarrow , an overcrowded building housing about 400 pupils in which good scholarship results were achieved , but there were serious difficulties facing their children :
12 The next step was to explain the programme to health visitors , giving them the material Better Shoe public relations team wished them to place with the new mother at the time of their first home visit .
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