Example sentences of "[vb past] a [adj] [noun sg] to her " in BNC.

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1 She described a recent visit to her local Samaritans ' branch , where a voluntary worker told her that they received telephone calls from teenagers who were ‘ so filled with fear , and so depressed by the constant threat of a nuclear accident ’ that they had to be deterred from committing suicide .
2 Caroline took a deep breath , fixed a polite smile to her face , and turned to face him .
3 Fran fixed a cool smile to her lips , her eyes running warily over the man seated opposite .
4 He reversed out of the parking space , and Fran fixed a determined smile to her face — then gasped in dismay when the man who had done all the talking stepped into their path .
5 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
6 The dog had received a massive electric shock , his children also received shocks and his wife , in trying to comfort the dog , received a nasty bite to her hand .
7 His cool , shuttered gaze had dropped slowly to the open neck of her blouse , and , suddenly tingling with self-consciousness , she lifted a casual hand to her throat , fingering the silky collar , her skin warming under that overtly masculine scrutiny .
8 But as the fire began to smoulder , Gore 's sister Catherine paid an unexpected visit to her parents cottage .
9 Similarly , in Ingham v Emes [ 1955 ] 2 QB 366 , a woman contracted dermatitis when her hairdresser applied a particular dye to her hair , but she failed to recover damages since she had not informed the hairdresser of her allergy .
10 There was something about this part of France that made a powerful appeal to her imagination and emotions .
11 When he touched a gentle knuckle to her cheek , she started ; her breath lodged somewhere in her throat and she could only stand helplessly as he untied the ribbon securing her hair .
12 With a sigh , he touched a gentle finger to her cheek .
13 She broke off , colour running up her face as she pressed a guilty hand to her mouth .
14 She was hardly breathing when , his lips warm and gentle , he pressed a light kiss to her cheek .
15 She would never be a great beauty , he knew , but she had a natural charm and personality that lent an extra depth to her character , and he imagined that this would have been how his mother would have looked at a similar age .
16 She felt a sharp blow to her arm and gasped , retreating further .
17 The Frenchman , before turning to her sons , let his glance fall pointedly for a moment to the swell of her breasts tightly bodiced beneath a new Fifth Avenue day dress of sheer white silk chiffon ; then he smiled secretly at her again and this undisguised expression of passionate interest brought a faint flush to her face .
18 Knee-length , it showed off her shapely legs in their black stockings and high-heeled shoes in a way that brought a faint flush to her face .
19 The glide of his hands was leisured and sure , and the wild sensations it evoked in her brought a hectic flush to her cheeks , startled a choked cry from her lips .
20 Finally , she felt a kick on the knee that brought a shocked cry to her throat .
21 She wore no hat , and the wind blew her hair this way and that , and brought a warm glow to her cheeks .
22 ‘ We 'll dance together at their wedding , you and I , ’ he said softly , and the promise in his voice brought a warm flush to her cheeks .
23 Yet he deposited her on it as carefully as if she were china , and that brought a weak tear to her eye .
24 That goading note in his voice brought a slow flush to her face , rising from her neck to her cheeks .
25 André 's delighted grin brought a resigned smile to her lips , and they caught a cab to one of the casinos , where the roulette tables were buzzing with that particular glittering breed of night-life whose adrenalin flowed in front of the gambling table .
26 There were n't any wolf-whistles but the sudden silence that greeted her appearance in the archway brought a rueful tilt to her lips as she gently raised her eyebrows until her eyes met the disconcerted ones of the team manager .
27 Even to name the sum brought a sinking feeling to her stomach .
28 It brought a painful flush to her cheeks and at that moment he looked up and saw her .
29 Since it was Dane 's name on the hoardings which had sold out the theatre on opening night and for several weeks to come , Josh 's kindness brought a painful lump to her throat , and she could only gaze at him in mute gratitude .
30 The shooting pain brought an involuntary cry to her lips , loud enough to halt Travis , who was some yards ahead .
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