Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A type 2 statistical error is possible in a clinical study of 17 patients , but our observations were very precise and carefully validated and agree with the results of a recent much larger study from Australia .
2 They hooted and waved at the boats as they whizzed by .
3 One of them , Prof John Sargent , was among a band of eminent researchers in Britain , the United States , Canada , Italy and France who were bullied , cajoled and encouraged by the Odones to help in producing treatment that would save their son 's life .
4 It was almost totally dark when they arrived in the stable yard and Catherine jumped involuntarily as something moved and rattled against the boards .
5 It did n't like it at first , and moved and beat against the sides of the plastic and the neck of the can while I held it and sweated , listening to the hum of the insects and the rustling of the grass , staring at Blyth as he lay there still and silent , his dark hair ruffled now and again by the breeze .
6 Before the Soviet revolution of 1917 , one approached and rode through the groves in silence lest the gods and spirits of the woods be offended .
7 Lyddy knelt and put on the shoes she had kicked aside and then brought a hairbrush .
8 Outside the Barbican , the National Gallery is mounting ‘ Edvard Munch : the Frieze of Life ’ ( 12 November to 7 February ) which focuses on the cycle of paintings of that name which the artist codified and modified over the years .
9 In general , we think of the criminal law as the means by which individuals are prosecuted , tried and punished for the offences ( e.g. theft , assault , etc. ) which they have committed .
10 Daemons howled and gibbered in the ruins of ancient settlements .
11 Trent surfaced and yelled at the men in the cockpit to swim a lifejacket out to him .
12 Behind him the dragon roared and crashed through the bushes as it tried to turn around , but Hrun was running , running , with his gaze fixed on Liartes and a dead branch in his hands .
13 It came and sniffed around the edges , and gradually came all the way out .
14 Julia felt too ill to be interested in what he was doing , and in any case her mind came and went as the waves of fever rose and fell , but she heard Comfort say :
15 It was as if his seasons came and went in the phrases he wrote .
16 Martha and the Muffins and Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark , both Wilson discoveries , came and went in the charts — and still negotiations dragged on .
17 The patients who recovered in these boxes and enclosures came and went like the inmates of any other busy casualty ward , but , of course , there were big differences : most importantly , there was no waiting list , and no one had to pay !
18 And the people Nigel had spoken of came and sat on the chairs and helped us .
19 Great grey-green swells moved majestically along , latticed with white foam that spiralled and blew from the crests into the blackness : a cold , frightening , endless waste of water .
20 She gobbled and gabbled in the mornings — that was to do with her teeth , not very pretty either .
21 The cases , crafted and written by the executives themselves , become vivid examples of skilled incompetence .
22 One of the points that distinguishes Green from many of the artists who made prints of the Lake District at this period was the fact that he was one of the few who prepared and drew on the plates and etched the images himself .
23 Not far away I caught , from the corner of my eye , the flickering movement as a ringed plover scudded and ran among the sea-pinks .
24 As you say , plain boards lettered and varnished and exposed to the elements soon lose their fresh effect .
25 Another day dawned and the mists from the river swirled and eddied round the banks and crept up to the house the Hanging Judge had built .
26 Out oil the compound , away from the news bulletins , those who lived and worked with the Africans often forgot that some were black and others white .
27 Norwood is now a fairly grubby inner London area , but when Camille Pissarro lived there in 1870 it was the very edge of the city , combining townscape and country in a way that Pissarro found particularly attractive ( he lived and worked on the outskirts of Paris for most of his career ) .
28 Ebles of Ventadour , the only other troubadour known from William IX 's time , came from the Limousin , and most of the outstanding song-writers of the next generation — Cercamon , Marcabru , Jaufré Rudel , Bernard de Ventadour — lived and worked within the borders of Aquitaine .
29 I did as you asked and came to the police station and Mrs Lewis 's , so that 's where it ends , as far as I 'm concerned . ’
30 Despite the genuine idealism of those who fought and agitated for the Republicans , the role of the Communist Party aroused some doubts on the Left .
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