Example sentences of "[vb past] to [noun sg] for [art] first " in BNC.

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1 But his attitude was positive as he returned to Obergurgl for the first time in years for our jaunt .
2 I recently returned to Bali for the first time since my Los Angeles house burned down .
3 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
4 It all started sixteen years ago when our children went to school for the first time and we found we had a gap in our lives to fill .
5 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
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