Example sentences of "[vb past] be do in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By comparison , what he 'd been doing in the cafeteria block was mere journeyman stuff .
2 For example , if the government alleges that what it did was done in the interests of national security and the court accepts this , the aggrieved party 's action will simply be dismissed .
3 The packing had been done in the basement to avoid break ages , and the two crates stood at the foot of the stairs .
4 It had been intended to number the main service 109B and 109W , for Blackfriars and Westminster respectively , as had been done in the case of the Wimbledon services , but there was a change in heart at the last minute and the buses were delivered with blinds numbered 109 only .
5 Legislation had been tried before , from the late fourteenth century onwards , but more effort was made to enforce the 1651 Act than had been done in the past .
6 If the last chapter dealt with the freedom of form of the trust , this one deals with its freedom from formulae : forms of action were not promulgated in advance , as had been done in the edict of the urban praetor .
7 Work had been done in the Treasury before the war on the introduction of a counter-cyclical element into public spending to help stabilise employment .
8 [ These proposals were widely opposed , and they were abandoned by the new Conservative government in 1979 , although much groundwork had been done in the meantime on the legal and administrative aspects of implementing them ( see 1979 Benn , 1979 Dickson ) . ]
9 The acquisition contractor was Geoteam Exploration , using the vessel Nordic Explorer to deploy four 3000 metre streamers — the first time this had been done in the North Sea .
10 Her hair had been done in the salon at the Grand ( paid for by TVS ) , and she was wearing what looked like a gypsy costume .
11 They also posed a question in my mind about what had been done in the interim .
12 A few miles later , Rogers asked what Gabriel had been doing in the church .
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