Example sentences of "[coord] then [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Morris inhaled smoke , held it for some minutes , and then let it out down his nose .
2 Jinny hunted for what she wanted to say and then let it out in a rush .
3 Finlayson held his breath , and then let it out in a rush .
4 their press release , so I might do that in future , send out a release and then follow it up on the phone call .
5 ‘ I bet we could sling a hook up and then pull it over towards the window , and then — ’
6 Try playing lemmings with the PC 's beeper , and then try it out on a machine that is sound-equipped , and you 'll never want to play it again until you have better sound .
7 A wave caught the mast , lifting it high and then slamming it down on the cabin roof .
8 These machines are rather expensive , but they make it possible to lift off the original sync sound from the video tape , combine it with additional sound ( held either on separate tracks or pre-mixed on the recorder via ‘ sound on sound ’ mixing ) , and then to lay it back onto the video tape still in perfect synchronisation .
9 Maxwell examined the letter in silence , let the Consul General read it and then put it back into the Captain 's open hand .
10 It would have been quite possible to put something into the pockets of my dressing gown and then put it back into my clothes when I took the dressing gown off .
11 this year she chose a big one like I got for Arf last year , cos I ai n't got a double of that so I 'm going to have to tape it off , fill it up and then put it back on cos in case she opens mine .
12 You take anything that you 've in that you 've erased on it and then put it back in .
13 Well it seems to me , sir , that er the new settlement is becoming a bit of a dustbin which people are throwing their unspent allocations in , and then passing it around from district to district
14 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
15 And then we used When it g we used to fetch it off then like , cut it and then fetch it off in sheaths , like h , you know , like a big slice of bread .
16 Pete went to the refrigerator , took out a beer , and then carried it along with a kitchen chair out onto the porch .
17 Erm and then averaging it out over that six seven months .
18 Put a layer of pebbles in a plant pot and then fill it up with healthy damp soil .
19 I told her this , and then wrote it down on the assessment sheet .
20 Profitable exports were handled through the port of Berwick-upon-Tweed until , in the middle of the fifteenth century , the kings themselves saw the advantages of taking over pastures for their own flocks , storing the wool at Selkirk and then shipping it out via Leith .
21 Someone buys a house , gets a mortgage and then rents it out to poor gits like them .
22 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
23 ‘ I like thinking something through and then setting it down on paper .
24 In terms of a planning process Anne was talking about , you 'll have to forgive me for being relatively new to Oxfordshire and coming from an area where we had a planning system which was largely the one I was describing , and the planning role that I saw I wanted to develop was very much already mentioned which was actually going round to small groups of people , to the local caring groups on a much more informal basis , and getting their contribution about that and then feeding it back into the system , which you say is there in a sense .
25 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
26 They should have got a self certificate and then sent it on to Road for you .
27 They should have got a self certificate and then sent it on to Road for you .
28 Rub it into the palm of your hand , and then spread it on to your own face .
29 Idiotically she stared at the receiver in her hands and then dropped it back on its hook .
30 Whe and you know , put into the clothes basket and then pick it up on our way home from school .
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