Example sentences of "[coord] if [art] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The force facility can be used as often as required for a particular SPR , for example , if a user does not wish to take responsibility for the SPR or if a user accepts the SPR but at a later date passes the work onto someone else .
2 But problems could arise if an exchange adopted a rule at board level but failed to publish it , or if a member joined the exchange after rules bulletins 1 – 50 had been issued , was not then supplied with those bulletins by the exchange , and such bulletins were not readily available on request .
3 The execution of the letters rogatory might be refused only if the authenticity of the document was not established ; or if in the requested State its execution was not included within ‘ the attributes of judicial power ’ ; or if the request infringed the sovereignty or security of the requested State .
4 Or if the person brings the vehicle to you , make sure you have some way of contacting them again .
5 If it is only a breach of warranty or if the buyer accepts the goods , the damages are prima facie assessed according to the difference between the value of the goods on the date they should have been delivered and their value ( if lower ) when actually delivered .
6 When the Davy Lamp is taken into air that contains more than 5 per cent of firedamp , or if the air passing the lamp is suddenly contaminated to that extent , the air inside the lamp explodes and puts out the light but the mesh prevents the explosion being transmitted to the air outside the lamp Thus although the miner is put in the dark he is alive to tell the tale .
7 If the surety is a customer or if the creditor assumes the röle of advisor , it may be that the creditor will be found to have owed a contractual or tortious duty of care to the surety .
8 There may also be other costs if , for example , the qualification message adds to rather than reduces uncertainty or if the market misinterprets the message .
9 Should circumstances prevent delivery of the goods after their arrival or if the consignee refuses the goods , the carrier will ask the sender for instructions as to their disposal .
10 A constant period is available during seeks to process the records already in main storage , and if every record requires the same processing time this will lead to very predictable run timings .
11 When there is insufficient money in the estate of the deceased person to pay for the funeral and if the person arranging the funeral is likely to have a problem meeting the cost then sections 4 and 5 of this factsheet should be read before making any arrangements .
12 We shall have the Scottish TUCC and if the Minister accepts the new clause we shall have another body responsible for the buses .
13 But , if there is a further " selecting " qualifier , such as only , and if the speaker sees the latter as focusing on the property of the adjective , then it is quite reasonable that he or she may also feel it necessary to mark this focal adjectival property as one to be explicitly assigned , rather than being an ordinary part of the identificatory bundle .
14 If these moderators are present ( we discuss what these are in a moment ) then work will be experienced as meaningful if it requires a variety of skills from the worker , if a complete piece of work is done ( task identity ) , and if the worker sees the task to be of significance .
15 Each project must be treated separately , and if the cost exceeds the MPO then we recover the balance from the customer .
16 It usually took two men to hold the tyre and if the smith thought the fit was satisfactory — at this time it was half-an-inch larger than the wheel — the boy helping was ordered to throw buckets of cold water over the still very hot steel which would immediately contract and tightly hold the rim .
17 Bones and joints may be affected and if the process involves the nose and palate , a destructive , mutilating condition called gangosa occurs .
18 And if the doctor wants the police the performance will be over by then and the house cleared before they can possibly get here . ’
19 The bowlers must hit a bull to claim a wicket ( centre bull counts as two ) , and if the batter hits the bull one of his team is run out .
20 Quite clearly we can only do that with the resources available to you , and if the demand exceeds the ability of those resources , they will have to wait .
21 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
22 But if a judge errs the other way and fines a rapist a few hundred pounds , or puts on probation a bank robber with previous convictions who clearly ought to go directly to jail , nothing happens .
23 It would not make any difference if fluid was being poured into the funnel , but if the arrow traced the path of a ball-bearing dropped into the funnel then the baffle plate would speed up the descent of the ball into the tube part of the funnel , In the same way structural changes need to take account of what is to pass through the structure .
24 ‘ ( 1 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods less than he contracted to sell , the buyer may reject them , but if the buyer accepts the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
25 But if the speaker wished the hearer to recover these effects , why did he not simply produce the utterance in [ 33 ] ?
26 If the lavatory is inaccessible , down a corridor , or dark and cold , the child may be reluctant to use it but if the parent accompanies the child and waits , he or she can gradually learn confidence .
27 IT IS one of the oldest and most famous hospitals in the world but if the Government follows the recommendations in the Tomlinson report , St Bartholomew 's in London will soon close .
28 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
29 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people …
30 Well to be quite clear I 'm prepared to allow debate on that motion if you wish it to be if the majority of you wish there to be a fight , but if the majority wish the er to pass the vote on the amendment I will take that , do you wish to .
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