Example sentences of "[coord] we did [not/n't] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Also it is disappointing that despite these improvements in performance we still do not understand properly the physics of thermal insulation and we did not expect that increased density ( up to the limit when particle collisions take over ) would have quite the favourable effect that we have found in many machines .
2 In contrast , four EcoRI restriction fragments ( 17.8 , 17.2 , 13.5 , and 3.9 kb ) were observed in the present study , and we did not detect any RFLPs for PGA in Japanese populations by EcoRI digestion .
3 When I was pregnant , and we did not have this constantly changing situation of togetherness and separation , my husband complained that I had not noticed him kissing me goodbye in the morning — I was starting to take him for granted after only a few months without going to the mikva !
4 We believed that the best practice reflects a consensus rather than such extreme positions , and we did not see this as some timid compromise .
5 At that stage it would have been easy to have got carried away and think that the Cup was won but I made a point of saying that " A wise man does n't count his chickens " and we did n't do that .
6 And we did n't do this
7 I got married twenty three years ago in China , well , we just invite er , invited er our friends , and er former school mates to ma , to my home and we did n't make any vow , er we just gave a banquet to the friends , and er , in China people now can get married in many ways and er some foreigners have come to China to get married in a traditional Chinese way , and they have to er , carry their bride in a sedan chair .
8 Besides , in those days , the girls would have been on to it quick as a flash and we did n't want that .
9 We were disliked because of things that had happened in the past and we did n't need any motivation when we kept hearing that sort of talk .
10 We had at least seven other buck sergeants and maybe a staff sergeant crewing airplanes which had been returned to us two or three month after the deal and at times we had as high as twenty aircraft in the squadron , that according to the er roster that you were only supposed to have twelve , but er nobody seemed to say anything about it and we did n't get any extra men , but there was at least six or seven men doing the work of master sergeants getting paid for , getting buck sergeant and staff sergeant pay for which I 'm very grateful .
11 Rattlesnakes are supposed to be common , though they are generally shy and silent and we did n't see any trace of them .
12 And er , l er those whose names er began with er later initials in the alphabet and we did n't have any Z 's , there were no Zilliachas in those days .
13 We complained to Malcolm , told him we were fed up with the mice and we did n't have enough money to eat properly .
14 It was n't meant to be a cycling holiday and we did n't take any bikes with us , but Peter and Judy had a bike apiece for us to borrow .
15 There 's my notes from the when I actually passed a repeat and we did n't say that travel agents sales were going to be done on that number .
16 If you stop him , you stop half the team but we did n't do that today . ’
17 With a dado rail you would hang all of one type first , but we did n't do this as we needed both pieces wet so we could cut right through the overlap point with a sharp knife and remove both pieces of waste to leave a perfect butt joint .
18 We just did one TV show in the States , but we did n't do any gigs over there . ’
19 Now corals grow under the sea but we did n't collect this particular specimen there .
20 By evening the weather was better , but we did n't fancy another night in Porto , so we unpacked our bikes and cycled down through cool pine forests into the town for a well-earned rest .
21 That 's right , Chairman , we did , we wanted to inform people of what was erm , and they would au obviously have a right to comment , but we did n't regard that a , a formal consultation basis .
22 I had spoken to your father before on the telephone , when your sister was first reported missing , but we did n't cover all that much ground . ’
23 but we did n't have many of them , we only had about two or three come up and they came from Australia
24 Stoke boss Lou Macari was more subdued as he admitted : ‘ It needed a little spark of magic up front to get us into the next round , but we did n't have that spark tonight . ’
25 ‘ We had one advert with pigs — but we did n't have any complaints from outraged overweight people . ’
26 But we did n't have any canaries .
27 It turned out they had downclimbed , as it was easier than it seemed from above , but we did n't know that until later .
28 But we did n't get that chance .
29 They did n't even buy me lunch — we went out to lunch , but we did n't get any . ’
30 We never starved and we were healthy kids but we did n't get any pocket money , there was none to spare .
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