Example sentences of "[coord] we [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , because it should of been fifteen pounds a night and we got it for ten
2 And we get it in two or three places , the toilets are , are the key one .
3 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
4 But Hampshire are top of the table and we outplayed them for two days . ’
5 and we put them onto that area
6 They wear muzzles at all times when they are together at home , and we put them in separate rooms whenever they are left on their own .
7 He said , yeah , there has , which came as a great relief to me and we left it at that .
8 well he bought the land and we saw him at different times build his bungalow it 's a lovely bungalow now int it ?
9 And we write it like this .
10 Many of our people sickened and died , and we buried them in this strange land .
11 And we increase it by ten perc Well let's say we increase it by It 's not out money is it , so let's really spend it and increase it by fifty percent every year .
12 And we want you to able to handle the , the complex jobs which require an awful lot of checking and a a a lot of er a lot er detail because the fee for the job is i is , is higher , and the job complexity is high .
13 And the same thing , that if a major client like the Health and Safety Executive said to me , Ricky we 're running a regional training week in the last week of November , and we want you for three days , you know , I , I do n't say to them well look you know , well two of those days are catch up days , I ca n't possibly do it , why do n't you move your whole regional training week to next week ?
14 The target was demonstrably stronger than the signal from the 24-cm calibration sphere , and we tracked it for 68 seconds , in which time it seemed to dive from 69 m to 114 m ( a speed of0–8 m/s or just under 3 km/h ) .
15 We we just have this weird notation that we write it like this and we say it like that cos squared Z what we mean
16 Nobody told us that these pesticides were being used , they just sprayed away , put the fruit and veg on sale — and we bought it in all innocence . ’
17 The distance was eleven miles and we did it in two hours .
18 Hollywood sends back its version of Irish folklore and legend and we buy it with added Technicolor and schmaltz .
19 And they were tiny and we tied them in wee bunches and it was Miss who was the teacher then and she made a cross and put
20 Such stopping places are cheap and good , and we need them in this country .
21 So you can take it up with the , the er do whatever he felt necessary , but we left it at that .
22 They 've taken his dabs and examined the mallet , but we left it at that when we knew the Yard had been called in and you were on your way .
23 ‘ To buy a player of Kevin 's experience would cost a fortune but we got him for free .
24 I am not sure that we would think the dancing , except by some of the principals , quite so wonderful by today 's standards , but we saw it with different eyes then , and John would have for comparison his memories of the Cape Town Ballet Club 's brave but handicapped attempt at the last act of the ballet , Aurora 's Wedding .
25 ( " You had a good try and you used the right sounds : it sounds like that , but we write it like this " ) .
26 Correct both kinds of error by saying " Yes , that is the way it sounds , but we write it like this … " .
27 But we called them in Welsh do you see .
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