Example sentences of "[coord] his [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Liz had continued to live at home with her parents , but she was now thinking about going to stay with her brother and his wife for a few weeks .
2 The episode could only have increased his distrust of authority and his disdain for the bourgeois .
3 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
4 But his eye is too keen and his feel for the different histories of these nations too strong to slip into one-answer explanations .
5 De Gaulle 's pressure for a US-British-French directorate in NATO in 1958 showed his resentment of ‘ Anglo-Saxon ’ predominance and his desire for a leading role in events .
6 They fell much in love , and her father gave her a fine dowry of fat lake-cattle and his blessing for a happy marriage , with the proviso that the groom never raise his hand to the water-fairy .
7 Andy provided that , and his non-selection for the European Cup was the final clincher . '
8 The pilot was being treated for suspected internal injuries and his passenger for a suspected broken arm and ribs .
9 Hamilton played well , Palace won 2–1 and his claim for a first team place had been properly and completely justified .
10 Inside , the rooms are light and panelled with elegant pedimented overdoors , and it is sad to think that the full splendour of Bullen Reynes 's house was only enjoyed by his son and his family for a few short years ; the bulk of it burned down in 1704 .
11 In November 1259 the barons in Council raised the annual salary of the Justice of the Forests south of Trent from 100 to 200 marks a year , and his colleague for the northern forests was in August 1260 granted an annual salary of 60 marks , instead of having to pay an annual farm of the same sum as he had previously done .
12 But his plea for a four-month stay on the sewage ban while this search was completed was dismissed by David Mazzone , the federal judge overseeing the clean-up project , and rejected by a federal appeals court .
13 Charlie went on to ride 109 winners in that calendar year but his total for the current season which ends in May , looks like being even bigger .
14 A lively lad in his youth , Thomas Borrow had been a champion wrestler in his time , but his fondness for the martial arts had led to his enforced banishment from the county .
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