Example sentences of "[coord] had [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It went against all biological sense to suggest that the receptors and the elaborate physiological adaptations which they set in motion had no purpose , or had evolved in response to taking opium .
2 The boys were with Mrs Titcombe and young Thomas reported that his father was concerned about Rhoda and had gone in search of her .
3 I had left Jamaica when I was seven years of age and had lived in England for nineteen years .
4 They had moved together and had stood in front of a monument , seemingly absorbed .
5 On the real occasion , Comfort had arrived back from the river and had stood in front of them both , her blonde hair a mass of tangled curls , each curl spangled with water .
6 Armitage suggested that the shortfall for fiscal 1990 was $96,000,000 and had arisen from cuts in Bush 's aid request imposed by Congress , whereas Manglapus claimed that the true figure , based on the estimated cost of other " unfulfilled promises " , was $222,580,000 .
7 This Commission had undertaken an immensely detailed study of poverty and poor relief and had ended in conflict between the majority of its members and a minority composed of Beatrice Webb , George Lansbury , Frances Chandler and the Rev. Russell Wakefield , Dean of Norwich .
8 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
9 Fields had been born in America and had moved to Britain as a child .
10 Oyston had been brought up the son of a Durham miner and had moved to Blackpool with his parents when they went to open a boarding house .
11 She and her family had been in the States over a year now , and had moved from Boston to New York .
12 By the time Fred was 16 he was on the books of Aldershot and had played in friendlies against the Army and Clapton Orient .
13 Mr Hnatiuk had taken one look at the approaching Mrs Frizzell and had dived for cover into a knot of other businessmen .
14 They had tried a few in the Fahan Lodge Hotel after sailing back the night before , been seen off by two ugly English girls ( Morally ugly , said Rory — they would n't screw ) and had roared into Buncrana in the BMW and done the High Street bars .
15 He had helped Isobel sort out her father 's tangled financial affairs and had fallen in love with her quiet , fragile beauty .
16 Perhaps he 'd met her when she was pregnant , and had fallen in love with her ?
17 He had been a friend and ally of the president for many years and had served as chief of staff when Reagan was governor of California .
18 Hobson had been associated with the UN Trust Territory since 1963 , and had served in Belau until 1977 when he was transferred to Saipan ( Northern Marianas ) .
19 They had of course heard of the ‘ Vallar plan ’ , and had joined in discussions of it at various stages .
20 At the time we had not understood why the team leader had refused this and had asked for referrals to be made directly to her .
21 In the interval he seemed particularly cheerful and had asked for news about the Bishop 's Castle Railway
22 This failed to meet the demand for the forcible removal of the barricades , as advanced by the 7,000 white residents of the Chateauguay suburb adjacent to the Mercier bridge ( some of whom had regularly assembled during the siege to burn Mohawk effigies , and had participated in attacks on Indians fleeing the adjoining Kahnawake reservation ) .
23 He was sixty-eight years old and had suffered from cancer of the oesophagus for some time .
24 It was ten years since Eliot had been interested in Ecstasy and Dance Hypnosis among the American Indians , and had read in King about the lively ‘ moonlight dances ’ of Bushmen .
25 His close associate Klaus Barbie had been sentenced for crimes against humanity in 1987 [ see p. 35417 ] and had died in prison in 1991 [ see p. 38459 ] .
26 In addition to Newbury it centred on Reading and Abingdon , about which information is scanty , and had flourished at Wantage during the fifteenth century .
27 This was a vehicle with all mod cons at the rear of the bus , which I had followed many times and checked on its progress flying over the route ; oddly enough , on my last night in Mespot I was to sleep in the Imperial Airways rest fort at Rutbah Wells , I had refuelled there many times and had wondered with awe at the vast ugly route-flying Imperial aircraft — Handley Page HP42s — and even more so at the passengers who took an even greater interest in our tiny single-engined Wapiti aircraft , and furthermore asked endless questions about our aircraft and of our life in Baghdad .
28 Table 5.1 shows that the manufacturing sector led fixed investment in 1978 , but that ‘ financial and business services ’ overtook it during the recession ( and had doubled in amount by 1986 ) .
29 Over by the fireplace , the headmaster had exhausted his limited store of small talk and had advanced to matters of serious educational concern .
30 Erm , er , the funding for that project which I understand has a total cost in excess of a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , has been met from a variety of sources , er , primarily local , but with a contribution from the County Council through the Leisure Services Committee , and also through the Resources Management sub-committee , and in a , indirect sense , in that the , the , the land transferred to the County Council from the District Council for a particular sum , when the project did n't go ahead , the land went back to the District , and had appreciated in value in the intervening time .
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