Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb past] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Satan lies to his followers and has convinced us too of his mighty strength and even starts to believe in his own lies when he claims he was ‘ self-begot ’ , caused by Fate , or he sprang from the ground or willed himself into existence , an absurd contradiction in terms .
2 The crowd of women and the big man had gone out into the street , but the thin man remained ; and he looked from the child towards the closed door before he , too , turned and went out .
3 I missed , and he ran from the window and jumped into the lake .
4 In or about June 1987 , Mr. Burt met the appellant , whom he said he had heard of from his doing accountancy work for others , and he understood from the appellant , having been shown a curriculum vitae and other documents , that he was an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants , and a graduate or member of the Institute of Marketing .
5 Ian had ridden as a boy and he suspected from the way Julia commented that , although she was socially timid , she might be an efficient horsewoman .
6 David was in his room washing his hands , having just finished the last of the medicals , and he turned from the sink as Rachel knocked and entered .
7 There was no pain , but he flinched from the contact .
8 The dervish whose thoughts were sweet as the sugarcane could not remain perpetually in a state of ecstasy but he obtained from the stillness of the soul a sweetness which is the heirloom of the mystic .
9 Mr Sorrell was replaced by David Newlands , but he resigned from the company this spring , shortly before Saatchi shocked the stock market with a warning that group profits would be substantially below those in 1988 .
10 Ian Paisley was once a member of the Shankill Road Lodge of the Orange Order and a lodge chaplain , but he resigned from the Order when the County Grand Lodge refused to expel Sir Robin Kinahan for attending a funeral service in a Roman Catholic chapel .
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