Example sentences of "[coord] on [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But the experts who examined him afterwards almost certainly thought he had been infected by female chiggoe fleas , which attach themselves between the toes or on the soles of the feet .
2 The Commission reported that their visits to the inner and outer areas of the main conurbations convinced them that it is now the large housing estates in the inner ring , or on the fringes of the city , that present the most pressing urban problems in the mid-1980s .
3 How much more would a black hole , occasionally passing through or on the outskirts of the Oort Cloud , affect the comets ?
4 Because if you want to do shopping or just window shopping , you should park outside of the town or on the outskirts of the town and you can walk in or you can get the the bus service
5 ‘ I 'll sleep on the floor or on the seats in the lounge , or anywhere .
6 George you may have seen in a wine bar , often in the company of younger lawyers ; or at the theatre , with a blonde ; or on the steps of the Garrick , with or without a blonde .
7 In Polyscope , the faculty newspaper stacked in bins by the Polytechnique 's front doors and on the tables of the cafeteria and the first-floor lounge , a cartoon strip portrayed a classroom of agitated students , toques on and satchels at the ready , held in their seats by a teacher marking on the blackboard IL RESTE 30 SECONDES — ‘ 30 seconds remaining ’ — the end of the academic year !
8 These specialized tactile hairs form the whiskers of the upper lips , and are also found on the cheeks and the chin , over the eyes and on the wrists of the forelegs .
9 In addition to his responsibilities for roads and bridges , the commissioners employed him to plan and erect forty new churches , mostly in outlying districts and on the islands of the Hebrides .
10 Such stories as these must have been common in all religious communities , but the constant recurrence of these themes in Eadmer 's recollections leaves the impression that his thoughts , and those of the monks with whom he had lived since his infancy , were centred almost exclusively on their relics , and on the stories of the gifts , purchases , translations , and miracles associated with them .
11 The Elton Committee concluded that the lack of uniformity suggested that the effectiveness or otherwise of a particular sanction depended both on the individual teacher and on the circumstances of the school .
12 The Cameron Report found that four policemen were injured during the clashes in Duke Street and a further seven during the later clashes at the Diamond and on the fringes of the Bogside .
13 By contrast , II Maccabees centres its story consistently on the misdeeds of the Jewish Hellenizers and on the conflicts between the various Jewish factions .
14 Night , he wrote , work on the big glass and on the notes for the big glass , day , sleep and write this freewheeling commentary on the entire project , viz. on the big glass and on the notes for the big glass .
15 Night , he wrote , work on the big glass and on the notes for the big glass , day , sleep and write this freewheeling commentary on the entire project , viz. on the big glass and on the notes for the big glass .
16 And there were photocopies of press coverage of the famous 1982 march on the Porton Down chemical defence establishment and on the activities of the Hunt Saboteurs Association , including the famous quote from one Master of Fox Hounds advocating that horse-whipping a saboteur was , like beating his wife , a private matter .
17 If direction arrows are painted on the approach lanes and on the lanes in the roundabout always obey them .
18 Walk around the Tor and on the footpaths of the surrounding levels to get a feel for this legend-full land .
19 The effect of a corporation tax , raising the cost of capital in one sector , depends therefore on the elasticities of substitution , on the factor intensities , and on the reactions of the rationed consumer .
20 Reading was and is one of his absorbing pleasures and on the bookshelves in the winter of 1971 and 1972 were : The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp , Shakespeare , Jules Feiffer 's Harry the Rat with Women , The Primal Scream , a selection of Hermann Hesse , Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and The Group Sex Tapes .
21 ‘ Go and sit in the lounges of the luxury hotels and on the doorsteps of the flophouses ; sit on the Gold Coast settees and on the slum shakedowns ; sit in Orchestra Hall and in the Star and Garter Burlesk .
22 It was in Derry on 5 October 1968 that Northern Ireland crossed its Rubicon , and on the streets of the city in subsequent months Northern Ireland was , again and again , ratcheted nearer to crisis .
23 The light over the water and on the folds of the mountains which formed the banks seemed to change almost by the minute and was an unending delight until nightfall .
24 Since then , larger-scale excavations have greatly extended our understanding of the town , focusing attention on the defensive sequence , on an area inside the northern defences in Kingshams Field , and on the suburbs along the Fosse Way and the Dorchester road , most of which are now fully published .
25 The hunger strike involved up to 350 students plus thousands of supporters camped in tents in Kiev 's October Revolution Square and on the steps of the parliament building .
26 Some of that magic obviously is still present , at Aintree and on the banks of the Thames , between Putney and Mortlake .
27 There was time for botanising in the Dutch countryside where Miller noticed Acorus calamus , sweet rush , in the ditches and on the banks of the Meuse growing to a height of 4 feet .
28 SEAC will also advise on the form in which teachers ' assessments should be recorded , how results should be reported and on the recommendations in the report of the Records of Achievement National Steering Committee , published in January 1989 .
29 It can be very hard on the feet and on the nerves in the narrow and busy streets on a hot day without some plan to follow .
30 These 30 gunboats were to sail in three divisions , at the head and on the flanks of the flotilla , which in addition would have enjoyed the escort of the eight gun-sloops of the [ French ] royal navy stationed between Havre and St Malo and a few privateers from there and Cherbourg .
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