Example sentences of "[coord] not [verb] them [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This can result in buyers waiting for months for the goods to arrive or not getting them at all and being fobbed off with a different machine .
2 Obviously there is a very delicate balance between erm demanding too much of people 's time in consulting and talking with you , and not involving them at all , and you have to be very sensitive to how much time people are prepared to give and how much they want to be involved in something .
3 As Gorbachev had himself told the Central Committee in February 1988 , in the ideological sphere above all they must be guided by their Marxist-Leninist principles and not forgo them under any circumstances .
4 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
5 ( ‘ Every nation is to be considered advisedly , and not to provoke them by any disdain , laughing , contempt or suchlike , but to use them with prudent circumspection , with all gentleness , and courtesy . ’
6 The first comment may mean that the child has no experience of seeing rusted metal , or she may have seen rusty objects but not connected them in any way with exposure to air and moisture .
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