Example sentences of "[coord] not [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This can result in buyers waiting for months for the goods to arrive or not getting them at all and being fobbed off with a different machine .
2 Or not getting it at all . ’
3 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
4 Obviously there is a very delicate balance between erm demanding too much of people 's time in consulting and talking with you , and not involving them at all , and you have to be very sensitive to how much time people are prepared to give and how much they want to be involved in something .
5 I could n't stay here and not throw you on that bed and take you , again and again and again , until you could n't hide from me any longer ! ’
6 As Gorbachev had himself told the Central Committee in February 1988 , in the ideological sphere above all they must be guided by their Marxist-Leninist principles and not forgo them under any circumstances .
7 If the two novels were to be recast in late post-Freudian terms it would be clear how completely our attitudes have changed towards amatory and social matters : it is difficult to read the Ruritanian stones now in the way Anthony Hope 's first readers did and not to dismiss them as mere escapist romances .
8 It has been known for caterers to come in at 8am , turn all the ovens on and not use them for three hours . ’
9 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
10 At Sussex we actually make a third of the time they spend on the university component of their courses compulsory work in science — that is to say every student does it — so we can actually do something about it practically by looking at our processes of initial training and coming to realise what an important section of the world this is and training teachers accordingly , and not to leave it at that but to continue with erm progressive and planned in-service training of teachers .
11 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
12 ( ‘ Every nation is to be considered advisedly , and not to provoke them by any disdain , laughing , contempt or suchlike , but to use them with prudent circumspection , with all gentleness , and courtesy . ’
13 The more recent stress has been on identifying values in the curriculum , and not limiting them to religious or moral education classes .
14 But I think we must be given freedom to choose the time and not commit ourselves to any timetable .
15 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
16 The Labour party 's role should be to bring those matters under democratic control and not to surrender them to remote , unaccountable central bankers .
17 The first comment may mean that the child has no experience of seeing rusted metal , or she may have seen rusty objects but not connected them in any way with exposure to air and moisture .
18 ‘ It is offensive of the company to give an assurance to hourly-paid staff , but not extend it to white-collar workers . ’
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