Example sentences of "[coord] this [was/were] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the Hall of Light faded , and the impression of great elegance and immense silence and a drifting unfamiliar scent faded , and he was falling forward and there was some kind of cell waiting for him , and this was surely the end of everything , and this was surely all he could ever expect anywhere in the entire world …
2 After one year , one would expect that out of these five those in the action sample would be happier than those in the control about the continued home care ; and this was clearly the case .
3 These were years of housing shortage and this was frequently the reason .
4 er and I 'll be the first to recognize that and this was just a sort of the ball park stats that you were looking for .
5 And we 've now reached a situation in which there 's something over twenty percent of our streets is multiple occupation , erm and this is noise and other activities in relation to that are the things that cause the sort of low level of concern , and this was just the peak on top of that of major aggravation .
6 And this was also the drug that caused British weightlifters Andrew Saxton and Andrew Davies to be booted out of the Barcelona Olympics .
7 It emerged that in the magistrates ' courts the distribution of sentences did not differ greatly between Blacks and Whites , and this was also the case in the Crown Court .
8 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
9 The weapon was an air-pistol with a barrel extending to 7½ inches , and this was probably the kind of ‘ toy ’ most commonly available to youths .
10 Individual rebels , talking much later to the American press , would sometimes profess to be ‘ born again ’ , and this was presumably the hint North was taking .
11 Britain acquired large parts of North America ( until the independence of the USA in 1776 ) , the West Indies , the West African coast , and the Indian sub-continent and this was partly a cause , partly a reinforcement of industrial growth : ‘ We were , or we increasingly became , the agency of economic interchange between the advanced and the backward , the industrial and the primary-producing , the metropolitan and the colonial or quasi-colonial regions of the world ’ ( Hobsbawm , 1969 , 14 ) .
12 The second area where Teetotalism strengthened the Anglo-American bond lay in visits between leaders from both countries and this was especially the case with the Rev. Lyman Beecher who visited England in 1846 and stayed with the publisher , John Cassell , in his St John s Wood house .
13 In 1973 the UK had the smallest dependence on EC markets of any of the nine EC members , and this was still the case ten years later .
14 Tasks representative of criterion 2a would be expected to be more demanding than those for 1a and this was indeed the case .
15 When the restorer was driven out of Bohemia in 1945 , he managed — and this was truly a miracle — to take the picture with him over the frontier into Bavaria .
16 And this was only a part of the ceremonial which surrounded the office with glamour and reminded the king 's subjects that he was God 's anointed — a notion which inspired them with great awe , when they were not actually engaged in rebellion against him .
17 Stormy , wet , windy , typical August weather , cormorants , wings flapping clockworklike against the force 5–6 wind , gulls gliding majestically , effortlessly over the wave tops , gannets swirling way up high before plummeting dramatically hurling themselves into the sea with terrific , surely painful splashes , then the puffins , taking off clumsily along the surface of the water , bouncing bomb style , crashing into successive wave crests in their attempts to stay clear of the bow , wildlife in abundance and this was only the view from the MacBraynes ferry !
18 In other words , the repatriations of the Yugoslavs should continue ; the methods being used to carry them out were found to be " satisfactory " as an alternative to the " use of force " , and this was now a matter of full agreement between Eighth Army and AFHQ .
19 This has been dealt with above , and it stands on a quite different footing from the other forgeries in three important respects : first , it was never mentioned by Lanfranc ; second , it was not concerned with the claim to primacy but solely with the survival of the monastic community at Canterbury , and this was never an issue after 1070 ; and , third , unlike the forgeries with which we are now concerned , it was actually submitted to Rome and approved .
20 But this was neither the time nor the place for a show-down — the score would have to be settled later .
21 well they are now , my daughter now has a proper bum bag , but this was just a school , purse for school , just for break time .
22 But this was just a dentist 's waiting room and it made him wonder what the rest of the house would be like .
23 But this was just a game , and before some one points out that the stock market is itself just a game ( for somewhat privileged people ) , I should add that this was just a family game being marketed in Sheffield for Christmas .
24 Nominated for nine Oscars , but this was also the year of West Side Story , which swept the board when it came to the statuettes .
25 But this was also the side , North was saying , of God against the Godless .
26 I 'm all in favour of impressionistic narratives , with fast cutting and flashbacks galore , but this was simply a mess .
27 One was once seen to use a stone to kill a monitor lizard , but this was probably a mistake !
28 But this was merely a cover , and the partners began in search from the start , subsequently headhunting many of their ex-colleagues , despite Peat Marwick Mitchell 's threats of legal action .
29 He caught a cold on his way to Tangiers which affected his left lung , but this was merely the prelude to what became an unfortunate trip .
30 I can remember as a boy walking to Rochester via the ferry and Wouldham on many occasions but this was only a stroll compared with some of the older inhabitants efforts .
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