Example sentences of "[coord] this [be] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And this is just a continuation of that that prejudice against those that appear to be living off the state and not justifying their existence and I think it does n't deserve the time that we 've spent on it tonight .
2 but that 's in Aran and this is just a double knit but
3 And this is just a fact : indeed an introspectible fact , which we can therefore all observe directly for ourselves .
4 Well they 've made it absolutely much more pressing and this is just a drop in the ocean .
5 It seems sure to be close and this is probably a race best watched but if forced to pass judgement , a narrow vote is advised for Katabatic .
6 Shareholders , banks and so on do not necessarily tightly constrain managers essentially because they lack enough information to do so , and this is either a result of some problem in the market for information ( e.
7 There 's a stretch-steel tension in the normally soothing make-up room , where nine intently concentrating make-up girls are tending the terrified contestants — and this is only a dress-run .
8 I agreed and I put him under training for Mosquito , and to the best of my knowledge ( and this is only a guess ) he did over 70 sorties , got himself at least one DFC , if not two , and became a very worthwhile member of the Pathfinder Force .
9 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
10 France has a persistent trade deficit with Germany and this is sometimes a bone of contention between the two countries .
11 The only casualty along the way , and this is indeed a cause for distress , may be the modernist validity of social-scientific knowledge .
12 It is an undeniable fact that some breeds are easier to train than others , and this is essentially a reflection of their ancestry .
13 However , this has not prevented other European countries from establishing legislation which demanded component change to achieve desired results , and this is still a trend .
14 er and I 'll be the first to recognize that and this was just a sort of the ball park stats that you were looking for .
15 Britain acquired large parts of North America ( until the independence of the USA in 1776 ) , the West Indies , the West African coast , and the Indian sub-continent and this was partly a cause , partly a reinforcement of industrial growth : ‘ We were , or we increasingly became , the agency of economic interchange between the advanced and the backward , the industrial and the primary-producing , the metropolitan and the colonial or quasi-colonial regions of the world ’ ( Hobsbawm , 1969 , 14 ) .
16 When the restorer was driven out of Bohemia in 1945 , he managed — and this was truly a miracle — to take the picture with him over the frontier into Bavaria .
17 And this was only a part of the ceremonial which surrounded the office with glamour and reminded the king 's subjects that he was God 's anointed — a notion which inspired them with great awe , when they were not actually engaged in rebellion against him .
18 In other words , the repatriations of the Yugoslavs should continue ; the methods being used to carry them out were found to be " satisfactory " as an alternative to the " use of force " , and this was now a matter of full agreement between Eighth Army and AFHQ .
19 I would n't underestimate the problems of famine , but this is largely a question of mild distribution , and I think we 're learning to cope with it better than fifty years ago .
20 Subjecting proposals to scrutiny by a body distinct from management may well be desirable , but this is clearly a function for an actual supervisory board , and not one for the court .
21 But this is just a way of avoiding responsibility for our lives .
22 It is easier to describe simple organisms first and move on to complex ones but this is just a convenience of arrangement , and we will follow this procedure here .
23 ( Note that the terms ‘ solution ’ and ‘ dissolution ’ are used widely in discussions of karst landforms , but this is just a form of shorthand since , as was discussed in Section , limestone weathering involves complex chemical reactions . )
24 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
25 Erm now it , it 's interesting to point out that female choice and of course one of the best examples of that is birds where the female chooses not , you saw it on the film , but this is just a reminder .
26 Also Tore-Andre Flo — the young brother of Jostein Flo is supposed to train for a week or two at Sheff Utd ; but this is just a training stay — nothing to do with Sheff Utd offering him a contract or so .
27 Certainly there has been a rapid increase in the number of consultancies offering such services , but this is simply a response to the demand created by the draft EC legislation on environmental audits and the draft British Standard on Environmental Management Systems .
28 It may even become over-affectionate , refusing to leave its rescuer alone , but this is simply a measure of its inner anxiety concerning the possibility that it may be betrayed once again .
29 Admittedly , anomie theory accentuates the constraints rather more than would perhaps be acceptable to indeterminists , but this is simply a matter of emphasis rather than qualitative difference from a ‘ realistic ’ indeterminist position .
30 Nowadays the island is more developed but this is still a favourite and convenient ‘ watering hole ’ .
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