Example sentences of "[coord] for the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A column for total sales and/or for the calculation of commission on a percentage basis would be added .
2 An amount may only be transferred from the revaluation reserve : to the profit and loss account , if the amount was previously charged to that account or represents realised profit , or for the issue of bonus shares .
3 Since the discourse analyst , like the hearer , has no direct access to a speaker 's intended meaning in producing an utterance , he often has to rely on a process of inference to arrive at an interpretation for utterances or for the connections between utterances .
4 An order for payment of money or for the transfer of assets can not be an order intended to restore parties to transactions to their former positions unless it is known in relation to each transaction in question ( a ) who were the parties ( b ) what the nature of the transaction was and ( c ) what assets or money each party to the transaction had paid or transferred to the others .
5 now this particular question , this , it 's a very solemn and searching question , it belongs to a group of three questions found in the New Testament which have to do with a matter of salvation , the first one is , we wo n't look up the reference and that for time this morning , the first one is the question that the disciples put to Jesus , who then can be saved , that 's in Matthew , chapter nineteen , then there 's this one in Luke thirteen , are there few that be saved and then that very , very personal question that was put not to Jesus but to Paul by the Philippinean jailer in act sixteen , what must I do to be saved , three questions in the new testaments about salvation , who then can be saved , are there few that be saved , what must I do to be saved , you know as Christians you possibly found yourself , asking yourself the , the same question that these people put to Jesus , why are there so few Christians , look about our own town , think of your own neighbourhood , your own street , think of the place where you work how few there are who are followers of Jesus Christ , how few there are who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ to of receive him as their saviour , who 've have accepted him as saviour , how few there are when you compare it er to all the others who are rejecting him and er who are living their life regardless , how true it is that the great majority of people seem in , in this present day to have little time for God or for the things of God , they 've got time for all sorts of other things , but God and his claim on their life is crowded out , how many there are like that , how few there are who have submitted to Jesus Christ and have received him as their saviour or so it seems .
6 In the northern states , whether in the sphere of education , in official files or for the purpose of business , Hindi has largely displaced English .
7 Respondents who did not live in or near Edinburgh were asked if their visit to the City was for leisure purposes , or for the purpose of business or study .
8 As with every crisis of this magnitude there are opportunities for advancement or retrenchment ; for liberating the human spirit , and removing gross inequalities , or for the reinforcement of injustices and an extension of inequalities .
9 adequate seating must be provided in a room at the hotel which is not used as sleeping accommodation or for the service of food , and in which there is neither supply or consumption of intoxicating liquor .
10 It is not a master plan for member states or for the development of Europe , but it will provide a useful reference for member states and others to enable them to take decisions with due regard to the European dimension .
11 And when you eventually decide what time to travel , you can safely assume that BR is n't responsible for your train being late — blame the leaves on the track — or for the lack of pickle in your sandwiches — write to Clement Freud .
12 On that severe view no Socialist could support the promotion of producers ' or workers ' , or industrial co-operatives , call them what you will , if they are described as organisations for the manufacture of goods or for the provision of services , and wholly or very largely owned by and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
13 In Britain the Contempt of Court Act 1981 allows a court to order disclosure if necessary in the interests of justice or national security , or for the prevention of disorder or crime .
14 ‘ No court may require a person to disclose , nor is any person guilty of contempt of court for refusing to disclose , the source of information contained in a publication for which he is responsible , unless it be established to the satisfaction of the court that disclosure is necessary in the interests of justice or national security or for the prevention of disorder or crime .
15 Oxford has been in the forefront of this research , which has shown why certain surgical procedures for the relief of epilepsy or for the removal of brain tumours in people can have disastrous effects on certain types of memory .
16 In so far as the plaintiffs are seeking to recover from the third defendant money which he has obtained for his own benefit or for the benefit of companies which are , in effect , his alter ego , I can see that the third party would have an overwhelming argument that it can not be just and equitable to require him to contribute to whatever the third defendant is ordered to pay to the plaintiffs .
17 This aspect of communication is obviously what written language is supremely good at , whether for the benefit of the individual in remembering the private paraphernalia of daily life , or for the benefit of nations in establishing constitutions , laws and treaties with other nations .
18 Secondly , unlike general insurance , the motivation behind many life-related policies is essentially a desire to save for the future , either for one 's own benefit or for the benefit of dependants .
19 ( 3 ) A statement as to whether the firm will undertake transactions with or for the customer in investments which are not on-exchange or which are not readily realisable investments .
20 This feature is often used for headings or for the production of notices , posters and flyers .
21 This is the reason for the periodic letters asking for contributions to such appeals as the repair of Igtham Mote in Kent or for the restoration of Stowe Landscape Gardens in Buckinghamshire .
22 Proceedings for the recovery of land , for foreclosure or redemption of a mortgage , for enforcing a charge or lien on land ( other than a charging order made under the Charging Orders Act 1979 ) , or for the recovery of moneys secured by a mortgage or charge on land , must be started in the court where the land or part of it is situated ( Ord 4 , r 3 ) .
23 Sooner or later , one must plump for either the primacy of micro-processes in socio-logical explanation , or for the primacy of macro-processes as in notions of ‘ encapsulation ’ , 'centre and periphery' , ‘ dominance and dependency ’ , Marxist theory , and the like .
24 Rabah Kebir , a senior figure in the Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) who had reportedly escaped from house arrest in August and was said to be attempting to form an Islamist government in exile , said in an interview with Le Monde of Sept. 18 that the FIS wanted a dialogue with the government , and denied that the party had been responsible for the Algiers airport bombing , or for the assassination in June of the former HCS President , Mohamed Boudiaf [ see p. 38981 ] .
25 These can be useful for the company as the money that would have gone into the pension fund can be used to boost profitability ( particularly useful during a takeover bid ) , or for the financing of projects .
26 These data are of interest not only because of the support they provide for the cohort model , but also because of a more general point they make about cognition , namely , that we must make a clear distinction between the sequence of processing stages and the accessibility of these stages for consciousness , or for the control of responses .
27 If there are any spots or sores , then tests can be taken for Herpes simplex virus or for the treponeme of syphilis at the time of the genital examination , and likewise , genital warts can be treated with local applications of podophylline or acid .
28 Are props/costumes ( for children or for the teacher in role ) needed ?
29 1.33 Similarly , even before proceedings are commenced application can be made to the court under s33(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 or s52(1) of the County Courts Act 1984 for an order for the inspection , photographing , custody or detention of property or for the taking of samples .
30 That which was sufficient for the needs of the people was permitted , but innovation for its own sake , or for the purposes of profit , was contrary to the law .
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