Example sentences of "[coord] it was just [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or it was just the wiring .
2 and it was just a case of erm pot luck , I would sort of brought it out and looked at it and , er no it was n't cooked , it was cooked on the edges so I turned it over and turned it round and put it back in again .
3 But erm we went into half time , and we were very pleased with the way things had gone , and it was just a case of trying to keep it going erm we stopped them from playing erm and then we came off the second half and everything just seemed to go wrong for us .
4 His brother often slept in and it was just a bit more noticeable this morning .
5 My mother sent it from London and it was just a bit too big .
6 got erm , well we never got anywhere , I never got anything back and it was just a total , I was a guinea pig
7 And it was just a pity that the material she was given or told us to read , she said was too advanced for us .
8 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
9 If erm a lady , if erm a wife is on fire and it was just a wife living in the house
10 Mostly the waiter would go along with this , sensing that Oliver was one of those customers who did not , for all their enquiries , actually want any advice , and it was just a question of slowly reeling him in like a fish .
11 They were an obvious foursome from the beginning , and it was just a matter of time until they paired off .
12 It started to make er a bit of a horrible noise around the ten second mark and from there it was aborted immediately , erm the sledgehammer was handy and it was just a matter of seconds after that .
13 but I got upstairs and it was just a lot of people going That was weird though like couples disappearing in rooms and sort of
14 That 's absolute crap , he was so he was as sober as the day comes I can tell you and it was just a joke .
15 I had brothers and friends ’ brothers into it and it was just the village I lived in , it was a grebo village .
16 Just now we did n't have any name for it at all , and it was just The Bar , like it always was , the bar .
17 We both got a bit drunk , and it was just the way it was .
18 I tried , like , I did try , but it was just no good .
19 But it was just a decision I had to make under the circumstances I was given .
20 I 'm not surprised , ’ he agreed , ‘ that you 've received no word from him , but it was just a chance . ’
21 But it was just a bell that rang , it did not buzz or chime .
22 ‘ I regretted it immediately but it was just a lot of frustration . ’
23 But there was no aircraft but it was just a practice fire , you know .
24 But it was just a wee just a tiny wee thing there .
25 Well there was a it was such a job at that time you could n't get work and we , we used to genuinely look for work every day , but it was just a waste of time .
26 And then And never made a mistake of course , he tried to teach me but it was just a waste of time .
27 Yeah I had enough , but it was just a waste of a nappy
28 I mean you talked about this before but it was just a joke , right . ’
29 ‘ It was sheer hell for a while , but it was just the kick up the backside we needed .
30 There was a noise as he started to descend ; but it was just the boat , moving slightly with the swell of the lake and rubbing against one of those padded joists that stuck out too far from the quayside .
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