Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adj] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We need to talk of the relative autonomy of cultural practices , and it is helpful to introduce Gramsci 's insight that the relationship between actual culture , consciousness , ideas , experience , on the one hand , and economically determined factors such as class position , on the other , is always problematical , incomplete and the object of ideological work and struggle .
2 They are cheap and it is easy to carry spares .
3 The passion to tell it as it strikes us , yet , if we are honest , in the knowledge that we are only passing through and it is easy to manipulate images having moved on .
4 He sings sordid lines , celebrating the ‘ tickling ’ and ‘ dying of sex ’ ; and it is easy to imagine Paris 's hands straying over his lover 's body while the tune progresses , and throughout the entire scene .
5 It is uniquely wide in its applicability : every molecular or covalently bonded sample has some form of vibrational spectrum , and it is easy to study gases , liquids , solids and solutions .
6 The Trustees include widely experienced people and it is good to see Jim Hunter of Skye — crofting expert , historian and author of the definitive book The Making of the Crofting Community — heading the management committee for Torrin , which also includes the energetic national director , Terry Isles of Dundee .
7 Recently this work has come under the umbrella of the ERU and it is good to have Lorraine 's expertise available to other members of the Unit .
8 Cabezón and Narváez were the pioneers of diferencias , sets of variations , and it is impossible to claim priority for either .
9 The actual sound ambience of this recording is less dry than the sort of sound that Philips is prepared to settle for in the same hall , and it is refreshing to hear Nicholas McGegan 's fine cast of soloists use the hall 's natural resonance to give the distinct impression that they are enjoying themselves and confirming , to one listener at least , that an important part of enjoying oneself is showing off .
10 And it is possible to make distinctions not all trailers are the same .
11 As well as emitting and absorbing light , samples of solids also reflect light , and it is possible to obtain reflectance spectra in various ways .
12 The arms have three degrees of freedom , and it is possible to fit wrists .
13 At a deeper level , it is apparent that not all observers share Scarman 's analysis of the problem or its associated policy response , and it is possible to identify stances both to the right and left of this central reformist tradition .
14 The Foundation includes garden statuary among its interests and it is anxious to commission pieces that are specifically appropriate to their setting .
15 The price of the ticket has been kept low and it is necessary to run raffles to defray expenses .
16 You may lose hair because of illness or a shock , and it is common to have hair loss about three months after having a baby , but this is only temporary and the hair grows back .
17 Catalogue comparisons with the fragrance of tea , lemon , spices , wine , apples or more exotic fruits can be misleading , and it is important to assess scent for yourself .
18 We can not ignore , therefore , the possibility of our oil tax revenues running out or reducing , and it is important to find ways of becoming independent of them as soon as possible .
19 Only unblemished , healthy produce will keep for long , and it is important to handle crops gently .
20 Wulfhere 's reign is primarily distinguished in the surviving record , however , by his re-establishment of the Mercians as a significant political and military force in southern England and it is difficult to envisage Oswiu , king of the northern Angles , maintaining after c .
21 It is not easy to give a friend a ride in a wheelbarrow , because of the problems of balance , and it is difficult to carry sand and soil on a trolley with low or slatted sides .
22 Energy efficiency drives became popular following the oil price rises in the 1970s , and more recently in 1990 , but energy efficiency is a rather dull topic and it is difficult to sustain interest .
23 Secondly , as previously discussed ( p. 40 ) , self-poisoning is often impulsive , and it is difficult to devise ways of combating this impulsivity .
24 Radio and TV waves are public goods in that the reception of signals is non-rivalrous and it is difficult to exclude consumers once they have reception equipment .
25 This is usually impossible and it is likely to discourage parents .
26 I favour a long-reaching front guard because it has less distance to travel before it strikes the opponent , and it is able to intercept attacks closer to source .
27 ‘ It is an absolute masterpiece and it is wonderful to do justice to an early master .
28 Many of the current experiments have been interesting and thought.provoking ; none the less we must beware of the tendency to enjoy the use of the latest expensive and prestigious gadget and it is wise to remember Oettinger 's warning in his devastating book :
29 And it is wise to spend time getting it smooth and level so that all the bolt holes in a prefabricated building line up correctly .
30 Very careful thought is needed , though , before taking the big step of spending a large sum of money to purchase a regular income , for there can be snags , and it is wise to get quotations from several of the major insurance companies , and the advice of a solicitor , before proceeding .
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