Example sentences of "[coord] it should be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 But where their particular disability impairs their access to the curriculum , this access should be facilitated by alternative means , and it should be recognised that the problem of access may hinder their initial progress , though they may be expected to catch up later .
2 The removal of exchange controls allowed diversification of portfolios to continue on an international scale , and it should be recognised that the increasing globalisation of markets through deregulation and liberalisation also contributed to the growth in holdings of overseas securities .
3 Hence where and it should be recognised that represents the natural resonant pulsatance .
4 Appendix 10.1 provides the analysis of the scores and it should be noticed that it is the ratio of A and B scores that is significant , not the absolute values .
5 On the other hand , this should be clearly stated by those using this approach , and it should be recognized that for policy purposes it is marginal changes in taxes or expenditure that are of most interest .
6 And it should be recalled that in a very short time ( less than three months ) Harris mounted his 1,000-Plan to demonstrate what strategic bombing was all about , but more especially the main reason was to get the Navy and the Army off his back with their insistent and regular demands for bombers to bolster the parlous situation in their theatres of war .
7 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
8 This trend is reinforced by international opinion , particularly pan-African opinion , and it should be noted that both the Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies in Africa ( Accra 1975 ) and the Conference of Ministers of Education of African Member States ( Lagos 1976 ) recommended the increased use of African languages as vehicles of instruction .
9 Nineteen of the 31 authorities who spent over £3,000 ( see Table 11 ) actually spent £5,000 or more , and it should be noted that this group of 19 library authorities accounted for 55% of the money directly allocated to training by our sample , while employing just under a quarter of all staff .
10 This drew the immediate and sincere response ( and it should be noted that the South African Rugby Football union comments published in New Zealand have not attempted to side-step the issue ) from Dr Danie Craven that every player who opposed the All Blacks in their five matches in the republic would be cleared of drugs use .
11 And it should be noted that a farmer is entitled to shoot a dog if he or she thinks harm is going to be caused to livestock .
12 Care must be taken to ensure that the animals are dead prior to disposal and it should be noted that mice 1 — 8 days old take longer to die than adults .
13 As a very simple example of a linear substitution , consider the coordinates of a point P relative to two sets of axes unc mutually inclined at an angle unc Evidently unc elimination of r , unc gives unc and it should be noted that in this case the matrix of transformation is orthogonal .
14 In neither form of action could the plaintiff be sure of recovering his goods in specie since the judgment in trespass was for damages and in detinue gave the defendant the option of giving up the goods or paying damages but it is unlikely that this was considered a defect and it should be noted that the remedy of specific restitution of chattels has remained unusual right up to modern times .
15 Care should be taken though not to damage the roof covering with sharp objects and it should be noted that , because it is smooth , Rockwell sheet can be slippery when wet .
16 Liability issues related to defective hardware and software are discussed and it should be noted that , in some cases , liability is not dependent upon the existence of a contractual relationship .
17 This will very rarely be the case in a management buy-out and it should be noted that s18(2) TCGA 1992 will not usually apply to a management buy-out of a business to impute a non-arm's-length transaction .
18 And it should be said that , at least outwardly , Murphy and his men retained their charm and their good humour throughout what must have become a harrowing experience .
19 And it should be added that some degree of ethnocentrism is likely to be endemic because all discourses and individuals necessarily have to use language and categories .
20 They will not suit all areas , and it should be stressed that , from a social viewpoint , an adequate travel network and frequent service is the most desirable solution , given that not everyone can be ‘ personally mobile ’ .
21 But when I asked him how much of the land of the state of Israel might potentially have two claimants — an Arab and a Jew holding respectively a British mandate and an Israeli deed to the same property — he said he figure was accurate — and it should be remembered that over half of Israel in 1948 consisted of the Negev desert — then it suggested that Arabs owned a far greater proportion of that part of Palestine which became Israel than has previously been imagined .
22 Much more could , and has , been written about his qualities , but little of this is relevant to his claim to be a martyr — and it should be remembered that this claim was his own and most successful invention .
23 And it should be remembered that the Whigs did much better than the Tories in the open and more popular constituencies in the elections of early 1715 , largely because the Jacobite scare and the fear of popery worked to their advantage .
24 And it should be remembered that despite a tremendous volume of criticism that heralded the Bennett appointment as the Commandant of Pathfinder Force , it was but a murmur compared with that when he was appointed AOC of No 8 ( PFF ) Group at the tender age of 31 .
25 Luff 's achievements have now become legendary in the history of Blackpool 's tramways , but it should be recorded that he was fortunate in presiding during a time of expansion , and also enjoyed the political support of the Transport Chairman Ald. C. E. Tatham from 1934 until his death in 1954 .
26 A detailed discussion of such clauses is beyond the scope of this chapter , but it should be said that the case law shows that use of such clauses to provide security in the event of failure to pay the purchase price is surrounded with many pitfalls .
27 Both the above principles are useful guides , but one regularly finds , in analysing natural speech , cases where it remains difficult or impossible to make a clear decision ; the principles may well also be factually correct , but it should be emphasised that at present there is no conclusive evidence from instrumental study in the laboratory that they are .
28 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
29 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
30 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
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