Example sentences of "[coord] it be [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's the same story in many other rivers throughout the Amazon basin .
2 And it 's the same size as the back room ?
3 And it 's the same idea in Confirmation that the gifts which you are given are not given just for yourself , they 're given to be used , and there 's no point in keeping them to yourself , you know .
4 ‘ Yes , and it 's the same reason why the stars do n't clump together in the middle of the galaxy .
5 if you end up going to the office and it 's the same layout as it it it was and the same people there ,
6 And it 's the same thing over and over again . ’
7 And anything that goes in between those disturbs the beam and it causes an electric current to sound the alarm and it 's the same thing that happens with the er detectors .
8 So and it 's the same thing with the preferences .
9 Yeah and we wound , re-wound the tape and er looked for the number and it 's the same number , I 've done it three times and I got this other bloke and I went right through it once and it says
10 And it 's the same month as that again .
11 And when it comes to appointments , they just get on the blower to somebody and say ‘ give me your views ’ , and it 's the same circle of people they know and trust .
12 The causative organism is called Treponema pertenue , and it is the same size , shape , and appearance as Treponema pallidum .
13 And it is the same logic which attributes those few out of the 120,000 officers who pursue schemes designed to accelerate promotion with the derisory and metaphorically ephemeral classification of ‘ high-flyers ’ or ‘ butterfly boys ’ .
14 And it is the same attitude of world-weariness and sophistication that socializes each generation of students and new teachers into believing that their own blends of ill-formed idealism , intermittent enthusiasm and nagging doubt about the true value of what they are doing are merely the embarrassing stigmata of the beginner , to be covered up as much as possible , and grown out of as soon as possible .
15 And … and it was the same man who … who took off my cap that .
16 And it was the same bloke each time .
17 But to the north , where the main Himalayan chain should have loomed , the curtain never parted , and it was the same story in the morning .
18 ‘ I know some of the other jocks here fancy her rotten , and it was the same story in Sydney , ’ Florian told Luke crudely , genuinely unaware of the variety of reactions he was eliciting .
19 It was the licensing system and licensing controls , after all , which helped to foster Britain 's peculiar ‘ brewery tie ’ and concentrate pub ownership in the hands of the brewers in the first place ; and it was the same system which connived at and partly encouraged the modern contagion of open-plan pub designs .
20 It was the Mau Mau conflict itself which forced the government to recognize the need to increase the productivity of the Kikuyu areas , and it was the same conflict which facilitated the means .
21 At the same time not only was there another G number but it was the same make of car as the last five G numbers had been and it was the same colour as three out of the last ten cars that had passed the other way .
22 Gladstone saw nationalism in this light , and it was the same impulse which led , for example , Menotti Garibaldi , the great hero 's son , to try to raise an Italian legion to help Arabi Pasha in Egypt .
23 Charles Dutoit programmed it with the Montreal Symphony after he heard the disc , says Lin , ‘ and it was the same thing with Jeffrey Tate .
24 In her opening round of 67 on Thursday , the American made fours at each of the five long holes , and it was the same par fives which served her well yesterday .
25 I think there 's been a lot , a lot of publicity for childline , now , but you are n't directly in , associated with childline Fjn Well , we 've had , no , we 've had to call ourselves children 's line because for er obvious reasons we ca n't call ourselves childline , but it is the same type of thing , er run in a similar way , not exactly the same of course er partly because we have n't got the money that childline er attracts .
26 it 's a s different colour , but it is the same size as that .
27 Sometimes they call them ‘ half-ground ’ , sometimes ‘ ground-wound ’ , but it 's the same technique . ’
28 Right , erm , what happens then , Philip , if the client says to you , and it 's unlikely with Covermaster , but it 's the same principle if you 're talking of a savings plan or a pension , erm , I do n't like the idea of my money being invested in a managed fund , I 've been reading the financial press , and I 'm very interested and excited at the thought of the Japanese market going up through the roof .
29 But it 's the same size neck — a big , V-shaped one .
30 But it 's the same size .
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