Example sentences of "[coord] it [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
2 The actual region where the house was situated was called the Périgord , and it was divided up into the White , the Green and the Black .
3 A critic had coined a phrase for them and it was taken up as a catch phrase — ‘ They dance as one woman and what a woman . ’
4 The monument was brought from Stanwick in about 1920 , Mr Carter says , and it was put up by a local firm , Charge Brothers .
5 And it was set up by CAFOD , Christian Aid , the New Consumer , Oxfam , Traidcraft Exchange , which is the charity side of Traidcraft and the World Development Movement .
6 Quite sure that you 'll find in the end that I 'm right and it was set up by murdering bog-trotters .
7 ‘ They tried to explain that it was only sand and it was all a stunt , but it was lit up with radioactivity signs and we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously . ’
8 They had a two year romance in the thirties but it was broken up by the war and the appearance of Rose 's first husband .
9 She did not specify , even to herself , the harm that might come to Alice , but it was bound up with love , with loving a man .
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