Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] [adj] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We think that on balance we have er the majority of the support of the public at large within Greater York , that this is the strategic er approach that is necessary for Greater York , it 's necessary to protect the greenbelt and it 's necessary to protect communities and villages er in and around erm Greater York .
2 Meanwhile , the N R A says it treats very seriously its responsibility to stop any contaminating material getting into water supplies , and it 's keen to offer guidelines to farmers on issues such as farm waste disposal .
3 Yeah , everything is photo-ops and it 's weird to see photo-ops in a war .
4 They are cheap and it is easy to carry spares .
5 The passion to tell it as it strikes us , yet , if we are honest , in the knowledge that we are only passing through and it is easy to manipulate images having moved on .
6 It is uniquely wide in its applicability : every molecular or covalently bonded sample has some form of vibrational spectrum , and it is easy to study gases , liquids , solids and solutions .
7 And it is possible to make distinctions not all trailers are the same .
8 The arms have three degrees of freedom , and it is possible to fit wrists .
9 At a deeper level , it is apparent that not all observers share Scarman 's analysis of the problem or its associated policy response , and it is possible to identify stances both to the right and left of this central reformist tradition .
10 The Foundation includes garden statuary among its interests and it is anxious to commission pieces that are specifically appropriate to their setting .
11 The price of the ticket has been kept low and it is necessary to run raffles to defray expenses .
12 We can not ignore , therefore , the possibility of our oil tax revenues running out or reducing , and it is important to find ways of becoming independent of them as soon as possible .
13 Only unblemished , healthy produce will keep for long , and it is important to handle crops gently .
14 Secondly , as previously discussed ( p. 40 ) , self-poisoning is often impulsive , and it is difficult to devise ways of combating this impulsivity .
15 Radio and TV waves are public goods in that the reception of signals is non-rivalrous and it is difficult to exclude consumers once they have reception equipment .
16 This is usually impossible and it is likely to discourage parents .
17 I favour a long-reaching front guard because it has less distance to travel before it strikes the opponent , and it is able to intercept attacks closer to source .
18 Very careful thought is needed , though , before taking the big step of spending a large sum of money to purchase a regular income , for there can be snags , and it is wise to get quotations from several of the major insurance companies , and the advice of a solicitor , before proceeding .
19 It is difficult to measure colonic function simultaneously in its various parts and it is erroneous to extrapolate findings from one part to another .
20 ‘ Constant changes in teaching patterns and assignment based learning means standard texts are inadequate , and it is hard to find authors who can produce appropriate material .
21 Of course no experience is self-authenticating , but it is reasonable to accept claims made on the basis of experience ( *b and c ) unless sufficient reason is produced ( *a ) for not doing so .
22 Typesetters can be accessed by routes other than PostScript but it is essential to match fonts exactly .
23 But it is hard to persuade voters that you have managerial skills if you have been out of office for 11 years .
24 Talking about the penalty that never was , Ferguson added : ‘ It looked a clear penalty to me , but it is hard to get penalties in big games ’ .
25 Obviously , we do n't need to walk around in leotards or combat gear all day , but it is suicidal to wear clothes that impede our natural movement .
26 ‘ There are many good bands in Africa ; they all want to come abroad but it is difficult to get visas and many promoters are only interested in doing just one tour .
27 But it is vital to keep donations coming in .
28 But it 's difficult to remember things like that when you 've been brought up in a village and you 're used to chatting to everyone you meet .
29 But it 's hard to write songs .
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