Example sentences of "[coord] that [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
2 This could perhaps be that the new doctor 's surgery is nearer , or easier for her to get to , has less steps to climb to the front door , or that she has a neighbour on his list who would accompany her to the surgery .
3 It can be a problem if , for example , the groom speaks no English : either he , or the bride and her family , may feel he ought to have the opportunity to speak at his own wedding , or that he has a duty to honour his hosts by thanking them publicly .
4 These are all responses which were highly suitable in prehistoric times when events required either that you ran away as fast as you could or that you had a surge of energy to help you fight your way out of a difficult situation as ferociously as possible ( fight or flight behaviour ) .
5 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
6 Or suppose , again , that your neighbour has agreed with you that he will not open a public house or carry on a school of music next door , and does and threatens to continue doing one or the other ; or that you have a right to light for your windows , and he threatens to erect a building within three feet of them .
7 we must no longer say that the self perceives , thinks , or loves , or that it has a perception or thought or an emotion .
8 People clung to our arms as we walked out and an Officer emptied Pernod over Gibeau 's tunic , telling him that it was Christmas and that we had a right to enjoy ourselves .
9 I think that 's very important , it is specifically aimed at students , I mean I , this , this is no way a leaflet for the general public and , and one of the reasons is the explicitness because it 's aimed at students and that we did a lot of research with students , students were involved in the writing .
10 I recognise that companies are under considerable pressures and that we face a period of uncertainty .
11 ‘ And I think it 's going to be very important that I sell it to the Congress and the American people , and that we have a partnership here . ’
12 If we assume that we are not the proprietors but the trustees of this world and that we have a deed of covenant to honour , this at once introduces certain absolutes into economic life and certain limits on the exercise of freedom .
13 These examples gave the journalists the story for which they were looking , and they used them in headlines to show that our Report was against the teaching of grammar and ‘ correct ’ English , and that we favoured a policy of ‘ anything goes ’ .
14 Have you ever wondered how we prepare all the food for the mouth-watering recipe photography in BBC Good Food Many people seem to think that we cheat by photographing mashed potato instead of ice-cream , and that we paint a chicken or make cotton wool pies .
15 Er Chairman , yes , if I may just make a couple of , of , of , of , of , comments on , on , on the report side , I , I very much welcome the report back which I think has clarified a number of areas in the inspector 's report and what the services are actually , actually are doing about this one , I think er overall it 's er it , it , it 's , it 's very , it 's very er it 's very er very useful to see er what has been done erm I , I , I , I , I 've been assured by the Chief Officer er on item , item er , item three one at the top of page two , that the operational plans being devolved to individual sch will not apply to operational activity , they will be er to separate activity within the s er sch station , erm I did raise that because I was concerned about one station saying yes we will attend the fire and another one saying we wo n't , which obviously is not appropriate er but with that caveat I , I , I , very much welcome the report , I would like to move the proposals sch standing in , in , in , in , in my name that we commend the report as well as er er what 's on the officer 's erm er , er , er recomen er the re the recommended er resolution and that we send a copy of that , this
16 When the government , with the intention of circumventing petition-drawers , proposed legislation to require all criminal plaints to be presented personally , some judicial officials argued that not all petition-drawers were dishonest , and that they served a function in the judicial system because there were too many complaints for magistrates to settle without help .
17 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
18 Egg producers must recognise that they are competing in the sophisticated food industry of the late 1980s and that they have a responsibility to the consumer .
19 The fact remains , however , that they have a contribution to make to the community and that they have a right to our services .
20 On my experience dealing with people is however forgetful they get you know nursing homes or residential homes or whatever and they ca n't really remember from one corresponding conversation to the next they still remember that they 've got two children and that they own a bank account .
21 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
22 Every album has its own geographical kind of fantasy scene that exists in my head and that one had a lot of them .
23 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
24 And that I bring a friend . ’
25 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
26 I think that Saddam Hussein is much less potent than he was , but I accept that it is a brutal regime and that it poses a threat to world peace .
27 However , in O'Reilly v. Mackman Lord Diplock argued that the present procedural regime for AJRs is more advantageous to applicants than that under the pre-1978 version of Ord. 53. and that it strikes a sound balance between the interests of applicants and respondents .
28 ‘ We realised that the whole psychology of collecting is a fascinating area and that it had a lot more potential … hence the reason for the Festival .
29 She also ensured that she chaired the important Cabinet ( later ‘ EA ’ ) Committee on economic strategy and that it contained a majority who supported the economic strategy of herself and the Chancellor .
30 The only centre I have time for is the Sea Life Centre near Oban , on account of a circular tank of herring you can stand under , and that it has a moray eel .
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