Example sentences of "[coord] i [vb base] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 You 've all heard that and I 've heard it for about thirty years now .
2 And I 've seen them for years and years , twenty odd more than that years , beautiful ,
3 ‘ This is a young side and I 've known them for four years and watched them mature and get stronger .
4 I 've got a lot of my favourite garments from them , and I 've had them for years , ’ she says .
5 No I 'm actually quite surprised at myself I 've got two Clippers and both of them I found and I 've had them for ages .
6 Er I used to collect the Cat Stevens ' L Ps and I 've got one for sale .
7 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
8 Which is a bit different and I 'd like to see it , that 's just one of my things , but again when you 're in , going into retirement I think you 've got to think about this , I mean I went , nobody twisted my arm , I went into that situation and I 've enjoyed it for a great many years , but now I 'm thinking I 'd , before I , it 's too late I want to have a , a l a fling in autumn as it were .
9 Your brother 's death left you heiress to Tracy Castle , and I intend taking it for the King . ’
10 The cards and calls from well-wishers have been a real pick-me-up and I want to thank everyone for their concern and support . ’
11 You do n't yet give us money , although I hope may , one day you will be persuaded to do so , but you have given us time , and particularly in the person of your colleague Sandra who is here , and her time to us has been enormously valuable and I want to thank you for that .
12 Playing music is what I love — and I want to do it for as long as possible . ’
13 There are four key ideas in that sentence , and I want to underline them for a few more minutes .
14 Her nose is all cold and wet and I want to wipe it for her , but I do n't .
15 J.B. Yes , and I do wear it for occasions like that .
16 " No it has n't and I do thank you for your help .
17 The most important of these points are three in number , and I have expressed them for the sake of clarity in less technical and exact terminology than Halliday uses .
18 And they have happened as I have wanted , and I have taken it for granted that they have because I know where I 'm going .
19 Jon is a ‘ New Age Traveller ’ and I have known him for two years .
20 It 's a funny thing but I remember gritting myself for Kirk for about two months because of his reputation for being difficult .
21 I know I might go to jail , but I 've prepared myself for it .
22 But I do thank you for your hospitality , sir .
23 ‘ No disrespect to you , Marge , but I want to save myself for when I get married . ’
24 I do n't know your name , but I want to thank you for your kindness to me on the night I left Weatherbury .
25 But I need to see you for a moment .
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