Example sentences of "[coord] it [verb] be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 The man had been found near Southwark Bridge at the turn of the tide : he had grounded at low tide , and it had been assumed that he had been carried down river with the ebb .
2 MONDAY morning , and it had been arranged that I would meet Miklós for lunch and then have the chance to talk with some writers from Hungarian PEN .
3 He had gained five distinctions in his Matriculation examinations and it had been decided that he would stay on at the College until he was eighteen to take Higher School Certificate .
4 And it had been known that er the Tories that the Tories through the medium of er the economic league , you know , their their propaganda organization , the economic league , which was er which was substantially supported by the by the coal owners
5 She had quickly joined the emigration society of which her cousins were already members , and it had been agreed that she should count as part of their family .
6 There had been an immense row inside ICI , and it had been agreed that a mission should be sent round the world to investigate the actuality of the situation .
7 One of its shareholders had been allowed to run up substantial debts to the company resulting from trading between him and the company and it had been agreed that he could repay by instalments .
8 During 1823 Knott trespassed his workings onto the Coniston Estate , and it had been suggested that he agree to arbitration with a " gentleman of the bar " as umpire .
9 Most of the material is injected in the form of dykes which do n't reach the surface , and it 's been estimated that the total thickness of dykes intruded in the last ninety million years is over 400 kilometres !
10 As Friends of the Earth comment : ‘ There are alternatives available , and it 's been shown that heavy treatment with chemicals is unnecessary .
11 when you 're talking about taking drugs and it 's been shown that the effects erm the biological dependency is n't that great and it 's no sort of worse than coming off erm , having a bad cold
12 For some strange optical reason this makes it look bigger than it really is and it has been argued that this illusion would have the effect of making an attacking lion misjudge its leap , striking short of the true position of the prey .
13 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over , and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
14 Under SSAP 24 and UITF 6 these long-term obligations are accounted for on a full provision basis , even though in many cases it is likely that they will continually roll over ( ie as one obligation is settled another will arise ) and it has been argued that it is difficult to justify a prohibition , as SSAP 15 would otherwise require , on the related deferred tax being treated on a similar basis if it , too , continually rolls over .
15 Transient deterioration in neuropsychological function has been shown convincingly during short periods of experimental hyperphenylalaninaemia , and it has been argued that the changes may be due to neurotransmitter deficiency .
16 It is questionable , however , whether the provisions actually add to a victim 's opportunity for compensation and it has been argued that the procedure differs little from that required for any civil action except that the funds are preserved .
17 By the mid-1670s Peyton had become the leader of a republican group , ‘ Peyton 's Gang ’ , and it has been argued that this group had a hand in the murder of the JP Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey [ q.v. ] in 1678 , which provoked widespread belief in the bogus ‘ Popish Plot ’ .
18 In fact it seems more likely that Picasso felt that the Demoiselles as he decided to accept or leave it represented a truly astonishing challenge with which he himself must come to terms ; obviously if he had been dissatisfied with the look of the painting he would not have left it as it is , and it has been argued that the stylistic discrepancies within the painting are essential to its iconography , to the message which it is intended to convey .
19 There has been an assumption that young visually impaired children have little or no ability to use tactile maps to find their way around , and it has been argued that there is little to be gained from introducing visually impaired children to maps at an early age .
20 In addition to this , one manuscript describes him as " comensour of decrees and Chanoun of Thurgurtoun " , another as decretorum inceptoris and it has been argued that this implies a training in Canon Law .
21 And it has been said that local authorities are not always very sympathetic to acting as a choice of career and sometimes obtaining a grant may be more difficult if a student has evidently changed his or her career tack .
22 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
23 The inhibiting effect of sedimentation on corals has been stressed in the past and it has been said that the absence of corals from the mouths of large rivers , for example those of south-east Asia , is due to the amount of fine suspended sediment .
24 There are two types of patentable invention , a product invention and a process invention , and it has been said that an invention is a new way of making something old or an old way of making something new .
25 Astronomical computations show that the first day of the two calendars agreed in the year 2773 BC , and it has been concluded that this was when the Sothic calendar was introduced .
26 Reference has already been made to this and it has been emphasised that the requirement of a nominal monetary value is an arbitrary and illogical one which has been rejected in certain other common law jurisdictions .
27 William IV died shortly afterwards and it has been written that , a search being instituted , it was found that that bluff and breezy monarch had been using this unique ancient artifact as a shaving mug !
28 Between six and ten years ago , there was a hundred and eighty pits in this country , yes a hundred and eighty pits , now we have a handful left and it has been leaked that all thirty one pits will still be closed within twelve months , done quietly and by the back door ignoring procedures and over the years this is what has been done .
29 The bank is advising the Australian group and it has been calculated that if its bid succeeds Morgan 's commission will add 6.5 per cent to its earnings .
30 Some companies never go to the new issues market , and it has been calculated that ‘ in the past decade , in no single year have ordinary share issues accounted for as much as 10 per cent of the sources of capital funds , and the average has been less than half that amount ’ .
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