Example sentences of "[coord] it [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It rolls up , it , it 's retractable inside the body or it drops off after an orgasm
2 Eighteen months ago it gave up its monopoly of politics but it continued to exist and it continued really as a kind of dog in the manger to prevent the er establishment of normal multi-party politics .
3 Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head .
4 It shatters satisfyingly when hammered , and it does so in a characteristic way .
5 The breed was already being exported to South Africa in the 1940s to improve the native cattle and it adapted well to a variety of climates and management systems .
6 We put a match to ours and it goes up with a rocket-like roar , heating the yurt in a flash .
7 And it goes out in a blaze of colour — a spectacular firework display which starts at 6.45pm and goes on into the night .
8 Its headlights came on full beam , and it accelerated away with a rising roar which brought heads to windows all along the street .
9 And it sailed off to a island that it came to .
10 He said , He saw one boy hit one of these tops and it went straight over a house top .
11 The last I saw of it was the bow sticking out of the water as the ship broke its back , and it went up in a V-shape , a Victory sign if you like , but we knew there were two men on board , one of whom I knew as a mess-mate . ’
12 I took the hot , spicy drink and it went down like a stream of molten lava .
13 But someone discovered in China that you could put them together and it went off with a bang .
14 At this temperature the molten rock is at its least viscous and it flows downhill as a fiery river , splashing and bounding over minor irregularities like a mountain stream , and cascading over larger obstacles in glowing fire-falls .
15 Oh , certainly , yes , yes , and and it carried on for a long time afterwards , and and I think is is still used in some selection processes .
16 The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree .
17 The sudden change of colour on the wall had upset its sense of direction and it buzzed about angrily and eventually it came into the porch where I was sitting and it stayed there for a few minutes and then went outside searching the wall again for the entrance .
18 And it grows best within a very precise temperature range of 30–31°C .
19 If erm , for example , I were to produce a beam of pye mesons , which I can do by taking very high energy protons and making them collide with ordinary hydrogen , then the pyon will come out and it will not live for very long , and I think the lifetime of a pyon is something of the order of ten to the minus eight of a second , which means that pyons only live for about one hundred millionth of a second , and these things then decay into othe particles and these other particles are called muons and they decay into not only do they produce muons , but they produce things called neutrinos and the muons themselves do not live for very long — a muon lives for about two microseconds , which is two millionths of a second — and it decays also into an electron and another neutral particle called a neutrionor , and these neutrinors just are there , they exist very but they are the end products of these decay processes .
20 So if there 's one draw , for example , or one match which looks as though it stands out as an absolutely surefire score draw , and everybody puts it down , and it comes up as a score draw , then nobody gains anything .
21 And it comes down to a basic difference of approach to this .
22 ‘ When the sea gets to the base of that , the tide 's already too high , and it comes in like a horse trotting , as they say .
23 One calls it a console and it looks much like an awful cocktail cabinet .
24 And the movie is the story of their friendship and Donald Woods ' conversion , in a way , to the erm cause that erm called black consciousness which Steve Beeko erm promoted and so on , and it ends up with a sort of James Bond escape from South Africa in a way , in that Donald and his wife and his five children , harassed and threatened by the erm South African Government , finally escape .
25 I went looking at a house the other day and it backed on to a lake .
26 Behind him Hrun screamed , but it sounded more like a bellow of rage than a cry of pain .
27 She laughed shortly but it came out as a half-sob .
28 " Please — " I tried to formulate some plea in the middle of a pain , but it came out as a whimper .
29 The racist imagination turns the world upside down , but it does so through a conservative appropriation of existing structures and discourses of power .
30 But it does so in a relativistic way which needs to be examined with care .
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