Example sentences of "[coord] in the first [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
2 Few excuses can be offered for the England batsmen 's failure to pile up runs both here and in the first Test at Calcutta , where they were beaten by eight wickets .
3 Books in the eighteenth century , and in the first quarter of the nineteenth , were little illustrated and were expensive .
4 On the single day of 1 March 1973 , Germany absorbed $2.7 billion , and in the first quarter of 1973 as a whole the US reserve position deteriorated by $10 billion .
5 Certainly he played extremely well in that position after Peter Wall was injured for most of 1972–73 and in the first half of 1973–74 , and it was from that position that he captained the Palace side .
6 Despite these criticisms , the report stimulated initiatives based on its recommendations and in the first half of 1981 Her Majesty 's Inspectors carried out a survey of Haycocks II provision in the nine English RACs .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what was the level of capital investment in the North sea in 1990 , and in the first half of 1991 .
8 The hitherto buoyant Taiwan stock exchange suffered an unprecedented decline during 1989 and in the first half of 1990 .
9 The official statistics agency , Goskomstat , announced on April 19 that oil production had declined by 9 per cent during the first quarter of 1991 as compared with the same period in 1990 , and in the first half of 1991 there was a 25 per cent fall in oil exports .
10 At the time the Caribbean islands seemed the more attractive prospect , and in the first generation of migration more Englishmen went there than to the American colonies that developed north of Virginia .
11 The Commission was supposed to be guided in its deliberations by the Nazimov Rescript , the programme adopted by the Main Committee in December 1858 , and the schemes devised by the provincial gentry committees , but the first and third of these were too conservative for its taste and in the first year of its life it gave them short shrift .
12 But in world judo at present , there is a group of young fighters all jockeying for the top positions — and in the first day of the World Championships here yesterday , they began to sort themselves out .
13 And in the first day of life they tend to sleep an awful lot , right , so newborns tend to be sleepy and inactive and the things that , that wake babies up and warm them are feeding , crying , limb movement .
14 Theirs is sometimes a robust way with Mozart , but it remains pleasantly flexible both tonally and rhythmically , and in the first work of all ( K19 d ) they show the kind of skill that unfussily makes the natural-sounding best of the conventional material written by a boy of nine on his London visit .
15 Two completely trivial points must be mentioned as they may bring readers up with a start : in the first movement of the Sibelius symphony at 3′17″ ( bar 40 ) , the third trombone plays E sharp instead of E natural , and in the first movement of the Shostakovich ( track 7 , 7′19″ , six bars after fig. 16 ) the bassoon plays a G natural instead of a flat .
16 I had slept in the bedroom myself not so many years before , and in the first light of morning had got up to see what the village might have looked like before the traffic came and before the stone walls had been breached .
17 In the analysis of linguistic variation , therefore , we were looking for fine details of variation-variation that shows internal patterning within the speech community , but which may have no social meaning for outsiders — and in the first application for funding it was specified that the research was intended to extend the quantitative methodology to a type of community that had not been studied in this way before .
18 Heisenberg did not immediately appreciate this last point and in the first draft of his paper it was not considered .
19 Military-Industrial Commission ( VPK ) ( head L. V. Smirnov ) : A working commission of the Council of Ministers , but in the first instance of the Defence Council .
20 Currently , the typical monthly payment for a £50,000 endowment mortgage is £554.27. * But in the first year of HeadStart 531 , this would drop to just £287.15** — a very impressive saving !
21 The only other official site I used was in Isafjördur but in the first week of June , at minus five degrees , I had been alone .
22 We had hoped to be married in the middle of December , but in the first week of that month , Leslie wrote : ‘ Can you stand by to shift the date to , say , 22nd December ?
23 Grandfather used to say ‘ the day is a cock 's stride longer at Old Newerday ’ ( 12th January ) , but in the first week of the new year there is little to show that the sun is creeping marginally higher each day .
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